Sri Varahi Devi (श्री वाराही देवी) - Conclusion
This article is in continuation of the previous Introductory article on Sri Varahi Amma
Śrī Mahāṣoḍaśi has four chiefs in Her armed forces:-
- Sampatkari :- She represents the aṅkuśa (goad) śakti (power or energy). Aṅkuśa is a weapon for controlling elephants. Spiritually, it’s for clearing all obstacles in our path with an aligned purpose and focus. No matter how large and fierce the obstacle may be, with Her help and energy, it will be in full control and may even help us achieve our goals and become a tool for our progress and prosperity. Sampatkari devi rides the elephants and crushes the enemies to pulp.
- Aśvārūḍhā :- She represents the pāśa (noose) śakti (power or energy). Pāśa helps in reining in the devotees back to the spiritual path, when they go astray. It also helps keep the karmas and actions in balance. Aśvārūḍhā devi is the chief of the cavalry and is very quick to strike down the enemies, internal and external. She’s also worshipped for getting assistance from large organizations including the government, banks etc. She is quick and very effective in cutting down the red tape and conferring benefits to the devotees.
- Rājā Mātaṅgi or mantrinyamba :- She represents the sugarcane bow. Hard on the outside, but very sweet in the inside. Even though the efforts to reach Her are very hard and cumbersome, the results that come from Mātaṅgi are innumerable and infinite. She is the chief advisor or Prime Minister to Śrī Lalita or Mahāṣoḍaśi. She is the source and cause of all knowledge, known and unknown. She represents everything that there is.
- Mahāvārāhi or Danḍini :- As mentioned previously, She is the power of the stick that Śrī Lalita wields. She is the chief of all armed forces and She lords over everyone. She is assisted by Her aṅga devatā-s.
- Svapna Vārāhi :- She is a form of Mahāvārāhi, who aids us in revealing the future course of actions to perform, as well as events to come. She fulfills all our dreams and wishes and removes all illusion and directs us to our true purpose.
- Laghu Vārāhi (Unmatta Bhairavi) :- She is the power of Unmatta Bhairava and takes us to spiritual liberation and self-realization. She will reveal our true spiritual nature and destroy all our inner fears, greed, ego etc and reveals our true identity.
- Tiraskaraṇi :- She shields us from all external elements and enemies and also induces enough fear to keep them away from us. All disturbances and obstacles to our material and spiritual progress are kept at bay and our path becomes much easier.
Vārāhi is also called Pañcami, indicating that She is the fifth form of Śakti, the consort of Sadāśiva, responsible for Regeneration of the Universe. The tasks of the Divine Mother Śakti, are Creation, Preservation, Destruction, Dissolution and Regeneration. Creation is carried out by Brahma and his consort Sarasvati. Preservation is by Viṣṇu and his consort Lakṣmi. Destruction is by Rudra and his consort Parvati. Dissolution is by īśvara and his consort īśvari. The five elements of air, ether, water, fire and earth are also referred to as Pañcami and She lords over them.
Vārāhi riding a bull and carrying a stick, is also called Yāmini, the śakti or power of Yama, who rules the Southern direction and is the enforcer of karmas on departed souls. Vārāhi also has a form called Kirāta Vārāhi, which is a huntress form that She employs in destroying all animal tendencies in us and our enemies.
Vārāhi as the śakti or power of Lord Vārāha, supports the entire world and the universe on Her tusks. She lifts the Creation from the netherworlds and protects everyone.
Vārāhi is also called Bārāhi in the North-Eastern parts of India as well as Nepal.
Vārāhi is also referred to in Buddhism as Vajra Vārāhi or Vajra Vairocani. She is seen as a chief ḍākiṇi accompanied by 12 other ḍākiṇi-s. She has a human face and a boar face and is protector and eliminator of all enemies internal and external. The boar face on the right indicates the right side of our brain that controls all physical action. The skull cap of five skulls once again reiterates Her role as Pañcami, the Lord of all the Pañcabhūta-s or five basic elements of air, ether, water, fire and earth. The knowledge realms represented are :-
- Tathatājñāna :- Non-conceptualizing awareness of emptiness or śūnyata. Also called as dharmadhātu awareness. This basic ground awareness unifies the other four.
- Ādarśajñāna :- Mirror-like awareness devoid of all dualistic thoughts and ever unified, like a mirror with it’s reflections.
- Samatājñāna :- Awareness of sameness with all phenomena.
- Pratyavekṣaṇajñāna :- Investigative awareness of all general and specific qualities of phenomena.
- Kṛtyānuṣṭhānajñāna :- Awareness of accomplishing activities for the welfare of all creation. Manifestation in all directions.
All other weapons and attributes are similar to Mahā Vārāhi.
Other forms of Vārāhi are Vākdevi, the controller of speech, equating Her to Mātaṅgi . Vārāhi Tantra mentions that Vārāhi has five forms :- Svapna Vārāhi, Caṇḍa Vārāhi, Mahi Vārāhi (Bhairavi), Kṛcca Vārāhi and Matsya Vārāhi.
The above article is written by Krishna Vallapareddy and he can be contacted at
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June 29, 2018 09:46 PM
Thank you very much for this article on Devi Varahi. Could you also please post Her moola mantra and other mantras for the Anga Devatas? Also if you could please describe the methods of worship it would be very helpful . Thank you once again for the lovely article. Pranaams, Anita
June 29, 2018 09:54 PM
Krishnaji, I also wanted to ask if you could please give the Kavacham and Ashtottram for Varahi Devi, just like you did for Pratyangira Devi. Pranaams, Anita
July 02, 2018 03:21 AM
The Aṣṭottaram and Kavacam are ready for publication. We will publish the Kirāta Vārāhi Stotram also, in due course of time. By the Navarātri, we should have the ṣoḍaśopacāra puja also published.
July 02, 2018 11:10 PM
Thank you very much!