1. Now worship the astras of the Divine Mother Viparīta Pratyaṅgirā devi along the four corners of the Bhūpura. Starting from the East, as depicted on the yantra (top left to bottom right, reading from left to right, top to bottom).









The sword weapon, that can cut through the fabric of karma and slash through our misery.




A severed head signifying detachment from all bonds and afflictions caused by karma.




Hand gesture signifying the granting of all wishes and fulfillment of cherised desires.




Hand gesture signifying protection and removal of all fear.







Yantra direction

Geographic direction


om̐ hūm̐ hrīm̐ klīm̐ aim̐ viparītapratyaṅgirāyai svāhā khaḍgāya namaḥ khaḍga śrīpādukāṃ pūjayāmi tarpayāmi ।

ॐ हूँ ह्रीँ क्लीँ ऐँ विपरितप्रय्तङ्गिरायै स्वाहा खड्गायै नमः खड्ग श्रीपादुकां पूजयामि तर्पयामि ।

Top Left




om̐ hūm̐ hrīm̐ klīm̐ aim̐ viparītapratyaṅgirāyai svāhā muṇḍāya namaḥ muṇḍa śrīpādukāṃ pūjayāmi tarpayāmi ।

ॐ हूँ ह्रीँ क्लीँ ऐँ विपरीतप्रत्यङ्गिरायै स्वाहा मुण्डायै नमः मुण्ड श्रीपादुकां पूजयामि तर्पयामि ।

Top Right



om̐ hūm̐ hrīm̐ klīm̐ aim̐ viparītapratyaṅgirāyai svāhā varāya namaḥ vara śrīpādukāṃ pūjayāmi tarpayāmi ।

ॐ हूँ ह्रीँ क्लीँ ऐँ विपरीतप्रत्यङ्गिरायै स्वाहा वराय स्वाहा वर श्रीपादुकां पूजयामि तर्पयामि ।

Bottom Left



om̐ hūm̐ hrīm̐ klīm̐ aim̐ viparītapratyaṅgirāyai svāhā abhayāya namaḥ abhaya śrīpādukāṃ pūjayāmi tarpayāmi ।

ॐ हूँ ह्रीँ क्लीँ ऐँ विपरीतप्रत्यङ्गिरायै स्वाहा अभयाय नमः अभय श्रीपादुकां पूजयामि तर्पयामि ।

Bottom Right



Offer some water from the samānārghya with the mantra:-

एताः नवमावरणदेवताभ्यो नमः सर्वोपचारार्थे गन्धाक्षत पुष्पाणि समर्पयामि ।

etāḥ navamāvaraṇadevatābhyo namaḥ sarvopacārārthe gandhākṣata puṣpāṇi samarpayāmi


एताः नवमावरणदेवताः साङ्गाः सपरिवाराः सायुधाः सशक्तिकाः सवाहनाः पूजितास्तर्पिता सन्तु ।

etāḥ navamāvaraṇadevatāḥ sāṅgāḥ saparivārāḥ sāyudhāḥ saśaktikāḥ savāhanāḥ pūjitāstarpitā santu


एताः नवमावरणदेवतापूजनेन श्रीविपरीतप्रतङ्गिरादेवता प्रीयतां न मम ।

etāḥ navamāvaraṇadevatāpūjanena śrīviparītaprataṅgirādevatā prīyatāṃ na mama


Offer flowers with the mantra:-


abhīṣṭa siddhiṃ me dehi śaraṇāgata vatsala

bhaktyā samarpaye tubhyaṃ navam-āvaraṇārcanaṃ

अभीष्ट सिद्धिं मे देहि शरणागत वत्सल ।

भक्त्या समर्पये तुभ्यं नवमावरणार्चनं ॥


Hold a flower for bali and utter the mantra:-


   pūjitā starpitāḥ santu

   पूजिता स्तर्पिताः सन्तु


  1. Vaṭukādi pūjanam (वटुकादि पूजनम्) –


Similarly, we now worship the deities Vaṭuka, Yoginī, Gaṇapati and Kṣetrapāla. May the various forms of these deities offer their protection and shower their grace upon us!











The One who represents piety, adherence to Truth and protection from all evil.




The mystical extra-dimensional being with superhuman abilities and capable of bestowing the same upon the devotees.




The leader of all sentient beings and non-sentient matter.




The guardian deity who protects us from all harm and is the ruler of the designated place.








Yantra direction

Geographic direction


om̐ hūm̐ hrīm̐ klīm̐ aim̐ viparītapratyaṅgirāyai svāhā vaṭukāya namaḥ vaṭuka śrīpādukāṃ pūjayāmi tarpayāmi ।

ॐ हूँ ह्रीँ क्लीँ ऐँ विपरीतप्रत्यङ्गिरायै स्वाहा वटुकाय नमः वटुक श्रीपादुकां पूजयामि तर्पयामि ।

Top Left




om̐ hūm̐ hrīm̐ klīm̐ aim̐ viparītapratyaṅgirāyai svāhā yoginībhyo namaḥ yoginī śrīpādukāṃ pūjayāmi tarpayāmi ।

ॐ हूँ ह्रीँ क्लीँ ऐँ विपरीतप्रत्यङ्गिरायै स्वाहा योगिनीभ्यो नमः योगिनी श्रीपादुकां पूजयामि तर्पयामि ।

Top Right



om̐ hūm̐ hrīm̐ klīm̐ aim̐ viparītapratyaṅgirāyai svāhā gaṇapataye namaḥ gaṇapati śrīpādukāṃ pūjayāmi tarpayāmi ।

ॐ हूँ ह्रीँ क्लीँ ऐँ विपरीतप्रत्यङ्गिरायै स्वाहा गणपतये नमः गणपति श्रीपादुकां पूजयामि तर्पयामि ।

Bottom Left



om̐ hūm̐ hrīm̐ klīm̐ aim̐ viparītapratyaṅgirāyai svāhā kṣetrapālāya namaḥ kṣetrapāla śrīpādukāṃ pūjayāmi tarpayāmi ।

ॐ हूँ ह्रीँ क्लीँ ऐँ विपरीतप्रत्यङ्गिरायै स्वाहा क्षेत्रपालाय नमः क्षेत्रपाल श्रीपादुकां पूजयामि तर्पयामि ।

Bottom Right



Offer some water from the samānārghya with the mantra:-

etāḥ vaṭukādidevatābhyo namaḥ sarvopacārārthe gandhākṣatapuṣpāṇi samarpayāmi

एताः वटुकादिदेवताभ्यो नमः सर्वोपचारार्थे गन्धाक्षतपुष्पाणि समर्पयामि ।


etāḥ vaṭukādidevatāḥ sāṅgāḥ saparivārāḥ sāyudhāḥ saśaktikāḥ savāhanāḥ pūjitāstarpitāḥ santu

एताः वटुकादिदेवताः साङ्गाः सपरिवाराः सायुधाः सशक्तिकाः सवाहनाः पूजितास्तर्पिताः सन्तु ।


etāḥ vaṭukādidevatāpūjanena śrīviparītapratyaṅgirādevatā prīyatāṃ na mama

एताः वटुकादिदेवतापूजनेन श्रीविपरीतप्रत्यङ्गिरादेवता प्रीयतां न मम ।


Offer flowers with the mantra:-


om̐ abhīṣṭasiddhiṃ me dehi śaraṇāgatavatsale

bhaktyā samarpaye tubhyaṃ navamāvaraṇārcanam

anena pūjanenātha pādyagandhādibhiryutāṃ

samarpayāmideveśi samastābharaṇānvitā

ॐ अभीष्टसिद्धिं मे देहि शरणागतवत्सले ।

भक्त्या समर्पये तुभ्यं नवमावरणार्चनम् ॥

अनेन पूजनेनाथ पाद्यगन्धादिभिर्युतां ।

समर्पयामिदेवेशि समस्ताभरणान्विता ॥


Hold a flower for bali and utter the mantra:-


   pūjitā starpitāḥ santu

   पूजिता स्तर्पिताः सन्तु



  1. Bali vidhānam (बलि विधानम्)


Sacrifices are given at the end of the worship and the offerings are dedicated to Devi and distributed to everyone for general welfare.


(NOTE - If performing the Homam, then Bali and śānti mantras in sections 11 and 15 can be recited after the homam is complete.)


  1. Nārikela balidānam (नारिकेल बलिदानम्) -


We offer a coconut as the first sacrifice and offering. The following saṅkalpa (pledge) mantra is recited first indicating that we are making the coconut sacrifice in the stated location, year, family name, purpose etc.


Saṅkalpa ( सङ्कल्प: ) –

Asyaśrī mahāviṣṇorājñāyā pravartamānasya ādya brahmaṇaḥ dvitīyaparārthe śvetavarāhakalpe vaivasvata manvantare kaliyuge pradhamapāde amukadvīpe amukavarṣe amukakhaṇḍe meroḥ amukadikbhāge amukadeśe bhagavatsannidhau asmin vartamāna vyāvahārika cāndramānena amukasamvatsare āyane amukaṛtau amukamāse pakṣe amukatithau amukavāsare nakṣatre śubhayoge śubhakaraṇe evam guṇa viśeṣaṇa viśiṣṭāyāṃ amukagotradbhavasya amukanāmadhyeyasya ahaṃ śrī viparītapratyaṅgirā devatā prītyartham nārikela balidānam kariṣye

अस्यश्री महाविष्णोराज्ञाया प्रवर्तमानस्य आद्य ब्रह्मणः द्वितीयपरार्थे श्वेतवराहकल्पे वैवस्वत मन्वन्तरे कलियुगे प्रधमपादे अमुकद्वीपे अमुकवर्षे अमुकखण्डे मेरोः अमुकदिक्भागे अमुकदेशे भगवत्सन्निधौ अस्मिन् वर्तमान व्यावहारिक चान्द्रमानेन अमुकसम्वत्सरे आयने अमुकऋतौ अमुकमासे पक्षे अमुकतिथौ अमुकवासरे नक्षत्रे शुभयोगे शुभकरणे एवम् गुण विशेषण विशिष्टायां अमुकगोत्रद्भवस्य अमुकनामध्येयस्य अहं श्री विपरीतप्रत्यङ्गिरा देवता प्रीत्यर्थम् नारिकेल बलिदानम् करिष्ये ।


[“amuka” is replaced as appropriate to the context. When the year, place, gotra etc. are not known, once can replace them with the deity name – “śrī viparītapratyaṅgirā”].


Now recite the following mantras to indicate to the deity that we are offering the coconut as a sacrifice –


om̐ nārikela-balimaṇḍalāya namaḥ

ॐ नारिकेलबलिमण्डलाय नमः ।


[Pour water on the bali pīṭha (stool or stone upon which the coconut can be broken) and sanctify the maṇḍalā for the bali devatās.]


om̐ nārikela-balimaṇḍalāya namaḥ sarvopacārārthe gandhākṣata-puṣpāṇi samarpayāmi

ॐ नारिकेलबलिमण्डलाय नमः सर्वोपचारार्थे गन्धाक्षतपुष्पाणि समर्पयामि ।


[Offer flowers, rice grains, sandalwood incense to the bali maṇḍalā.]


om̐ nārikeladeyabalaye namaḥ

ॐ नारिकेलदेयबलये नमः ।


[The coconut should be placed on the pīṭha.]


om̐ nārikeladeyabalaye namaḥ sarvopacārārthe gandhākṣatapuṣpāṇi samarpayāmi

ॐ नारिकेलदेयबलये नमः सर्वोपचारार्थे गन्धाक्षतपुष्पाणि समर्पयामि ।


[Offer flowers, rice grains, sandalwood incense to the coconut placed upon the bali maṇḍalā.]


om̐ hūm̐ hrīm̐ klīm̐ aim̐ viparītapratyaṅgirāyai svāhā hum̐ phaṭ

ॐ हूँ ह्रीँ क्लीँ ऐँ विपरीतप्रत्यङ्गिरायै स्वाहा हुँ फट् ।


[Displaying the vīrasana mudra, the coconut should be held in one hand and with one stroke it should be broken on the ground or the pedestal].


om̐ viparītapratyaṅgirāyai namaḥ nārikeladeyabaliṃ tubhyaṃ samarpayāmi

ॐ विपरीतप्रत्यङ्गिरायै नमः नारिकेलदेयबलिं तुभ्यं समर्पयामि ।


[Offer water to the broken coconut pieces.]


We know offer the following mantras at least 9 times, to appease the Divine Mother and all Her Āvaraṇa deities.


om̐ hūm̐ hrīm̐ klīm̐ aim̐ viparītapratyaṅgirāyai svāhā viparītapratyaṅgirāṃ tarpayāmi

ॐ हूँ ह्रीँ क्लीँ ऐँ विपरीतप्रत्यङ्गिरायै स्वाहा विपरीतप्रत्यङ्गिरां तर्पयामि ।


[Oblations to the Divine Mother Viparītapratyaṅgirā]


om̐ hūm̐ hrīm̐ klīm̐ aim̐ carakīṃ tarpayāmi

ॐ हूँ ह्रीँ क्लीँ ऐँ चरकीं तर्पयामि ।


[Oblations to the Divine Mother Viparītapratyaṅgirā and may the offering be deemed fit for all religious and spiritual purposes.]


om̐ hūm̐ hrīm̐ klīm̐ aim̐ vidārīṃ tarpayāmi

ॐ हूँ ह्रीँ क्लीँ ऐँ विदारीं तर्पयामि ।


[Oblations to the Divine Mother Viparītapratyaṅgirā and may the split coconuts offering be deemed fit for Her invocation. May all the obstacles in our progress be torn asunder.]


om̐ hūm̐ hrīm̐ klīm̐ aim̐ pūtanāṃ tarpayāmi

ॐ हूँ ह्रीँ क्लीँ ऐँ पूतनां तर्पयामि ।


[Oblations to the Divine Mother Viparītapratyaṅgirā and may the coconut offering remove all impurities and poisonous influences. May our path become bright and clear and may we progress on all fronts, material and spiritual.]


om̐ hūm̐ hrīm̐ klīm̐ aim̐ pāparākṣasīṃ tarpayāmi

ॐ हूँ ह्रीँ क्लीँ ऐँ पापराक्षसीं तर्पयामि ।


[Oblations to the Divine Mother Viparītapratyaṅgirā and may the coconut offering remove all evil and danger impacting our progress.]


om̐ hūm̐ hrīm̐ klīm̐ aim̐ viparītapratyaṅgirāyai svāhā sphoṭitanārikeladeyabaliṃ samarpayāmi

ॐ हूँ ह्रीँ क्लीँ ऐँ विपरीतप्रत्यङ्गिरायै स्वाहा स्फोटितनारिकेलदेयबलिं समर्पयामि ।


[May the oblations offered to the Divine Mother be blessed and accepted by Her.]



  1. Vaṭuka balidānam (वटुक बलिदानम्) -


We offer our sacrificial offerings to Lord Vaṭuka and the Bhairavas that spawn from Him. The entire class of deities that fall under Him are propitiated by this ritual.


Saṅkalpa ( सङ्कल्प: ) –


asyaśrī mahāviṣṇorājñāyā pravartamānasya ādya brahmaṇaḥ dvitīyaparārthe śvetavarāhakalpe vaivasvata manvantare kaliyuge pradhamapāde amukadvīpe amukavarṣe amukakhaṇḍe meroḥ amukadikbhāge amukadeśe bhagavatsannidhau asmin vartamāna vyāvahārika cāndramānena amukasamvatsare āyane amukaṛtau amukamāse pakṣe amukatithau amukavāsare nakṣatre śubhayoge śubhakaraṇe evam guṇa viśeṣaṇa viśiṣṭāyāṃ amukagotradbhavasya amukanāmadhyeyasya ahaṃ śrī viparītapratyaṅgirā devatā prītyartham vaṭukādidevatābhyo pāyasānnadravyaiḥ pañcabhūta balidānam kariṣye

अस्यश्री महाविष्णोराज्ञाया प्रवर्तमानस्य आद्य ब्रह्मणः द्वितीयपरार्थे श्वेतवराहकल्पे वैवस्वत मन्वन्तरे कलियुगे प्रधमपादे अमुकद्वीपे अमुकवर्षे अमुकखण्डे मेरोः अमुकदिक्भागे अमुकदेशे भगवत्सन्निधौ अस्मिन् वर्तमान व्यावहारिक चान्द्रमानेन अमुकसम्वत्सरे आयने अमुकऋतौ अमुकमासे पक्षे अमुकतिथौ अमुकवासरे नक्षत्रे शुभयोगे शुभकरणे एवम् गुण विशेषण विशिष्टायां अमुकगोत्रद्भवस्य अमुकनामध्येयस्य अहं श्री विपरीतप्रत्यङ्गिरा देवता प्रीत्यर्थम् वटुकादिदेवताभ्यो पायसान्नद्रव्यैः पञ्चभूत बलिदानम् करिष्ये ।


[“amuka” is replaced as appropriate to the context. When the year, place, gotra etc. are not known, once can replace them with the deity name – “śrī viparītapratyaṅgirā”].





                Now recite the following mantras to prepare the pedestal and offer sweet rice and other preparations designated for the bali.


om̐ vam̐ vaṭukabalipātrādhāramaṇḍalāya namaḥ

ॐ वँ वटुकबलिपात्राधारमण्डलाय नमः ।


[Establish the maṇḍalā for offering the sacrifices to Lord Vaṭuka].


om̐ vam̐ vaṭukabalipātrādhāramaṇḍalāya namaḥ sarvopacārārthe gandhākṣatapuṣpāṇi samarpayāmi

ॐ वँ वटुकबलिपात्राधारमण्डलाय नमः सर्वोपचारार्थे गन्धाक्षतपुष्पाणि समर्पयामि ।


[In the North-Eastern corner, the bali pātra (plate) must be placed on the pedestal and worshipped with flowers, incense and rice grains.]


om̐ vam̐ vaṭukabalipātrāya namaḥ

ॐ वँ वटुकबलिपात्राय नमः ।


[The bali pātra is deemed to be established.]


om̐ vam̐ vaṭuka-bali-pātrāya namaḥ sarvopacārārthe gandhākṣatapuṣpāṇi samarpayāmi

ॐ वँ वटुकबलिपात्राय नमः सर्वोपचारार्थे गन्धाक्षतपुष्पाणि समर्पयामि ।


[Place the Offer incense, flowers, rice etc. on the bali plate using the left hand thumb and ring finger.]


om̐ vam̐ vaṭuka-bali-dravyāya namaḥ

ॐ वँ वटुकबलिद्रव्याय नमः ।


[Sanctify the bali offerings with the above mantra.]


om̐ vam̐ vaṭuka-bali-dravyāya namaḥ sarvopacārārthe gandhākṣatapuṣpāṇi samarpayāmi

ॐ वँ वटुकबलिद्रव्याय नमः सर्वोपचारार्थे गन्धाक्षतपुष्पाणि समर्पयामि ।


[The bali offerings are now worshipped and offered to the Divine Father Vaṭuka Bhairava, along with flowers, incense and rice grains.]


om̐ ehyehi deviputra vaṭukanātha-kapila-jaṭā bhāra bhāsvara trinetra jvālāmukha sarvavighnān-naśaya-nāśaya sarvān kāmāṃśca pūraya sarvopacāra-sahita imāṃ pūjābaliṃ gṛhāṇa gṛhāṇa hum̐ phaṭ svāhā

ॐ एह्येहि देविपुत्र वटुकनाथकपिलजटा भार भास्वर त्रिनेत्र ज्वालामुख सर्वविघ्नान्नशयनाशय सर्वान् कामांश्च पूरय सर्वोपचारसहित इमां पूजाबलिं गृहाण गृहाण हुँ फट् स्वाहा ।


O Divine Father Vaṭuka Bhairava, son of the Divine Mother, praise be to you! O tawny haired, three-eyed, fire emitting destroyer of all obstacles and fulfiller of all wishes, tasks and desires, please kindly accept our offerings. We reverently pray to your Lordship and humbly offer these at your feet. Please bless us immensely and fulfill all our wishes.


Prārthanā (प्रार्थना)  – [prayer]

om̐ karakalita kapālaḥ kuṇḍalī daṇḍapāṇiḥ

taruṇa timira nīlaḥ vyāla yajñopavītī 1

kratu samaya saparyā vighna viccheda hetuḥ

jayati vaṭukanāthaḥ siddhidaḥ sādhakānām 2

ॐ करकलित कपालः कुण्डली दण्डपाणिः ।

तरुण तिमिर नीलः व्याल यज्ञोपवीती ॥ १ ॥

क्रतु समय सपर्या विघ्न विच्छेद हेतुः ।

जयति वटुकनाथः सिद्धिदः साधकानाम् ॥ २ ॥


                We meditate upon the glorious Divine Father Vaṭuka Bhairava, who holds a skull cup and a stick and is adorned with ear ornaments. He appears like a juvenile young boy, dark blue in complexion wearing a sacred thread from shoulder to waist. We pray to you to remove all obstacles that come in our way during our worship as well as in our daily pursuits. O Lord, the grantor of all magical siddhis and accomplisher of all tasks, please bestow your complete grace upon us and help eradicate all our problems and succeed in life.


Puṣpāṅjaliḥ (पुष्पाङ्जलिः) – [Showering flowers upon the bali plate]

balidānena santuṣṭo vaṭukaḥ sarvasiddhidaḥ

śāntiṃ karotu me nityaṃ bhūtavetālasevitaḥ

बलिदानेन सन्तुष्टो वटुकः सर्वसिद्धिदः ।

शान्तिं करोतु मे नित्यं भूतवेतालसेवितः ॥


                O Lord Vaṭuka Bhairava, the accomplisher of all tasks and fulfiller of all wishes, the One who is served by various spirits, ghosts, goblins etc., please be pleased with our offerings and grant us peace and prosperity. May your blessings be upon us at all times!


Bali samarpanam (बलि समर्पनम्) – [Dedicating the bali offerings]

anena balidānena vaṭukaḥ prīyatāṃ na mama

अनेन बलिदानेन वटुकः प्रीयतां न मम ।


                We offer these humble items to please the Divine Lord and obtain His everlasting blessings.


  1. Yoginī balidānam (योगिनी बलिदानम्) –


We offer our sacrificial offerings to all the Divine Yoginis. The entire class of deities that fall under this category are propitiated by this ritual.





om̐ yam̐ yoginībalipātrādhāramaṇḍalāya namaḥ

ॐ यँ योगिनीबलिपात्राधारमण्डलाय नमः ।


[Establish the maṇḍalā for offering the sacrifices to the Yoginis.]


om̐ yam̐ yoginībalipātrādhāramaṇḍalāya namaḥ sarvopacārārthe gandhākṣatapuṣpāṇi samarpayāmi

ॐ यँ योगिनीबलिपात्राधारमण्डलाय नमः सर्वोपचारार्थे गन्धाक्षतपुष्पाणि समर्पयामि ।


[In the South-Eastern corner, the bali pātra (plate) must be placed on the pedestal and worshipped with flowers, incense and rice grains.]


om̐ yam̐ yoginībalipātrāya namaḥ

ॐ यँ योगिनीबलिपात्राय नमः ।


[The bali pātra is deemed to be established.]


om̐ yam̐ yoginībalipātrāya namaḥ sarvopacārārthe gandhākṣatapuṣpāṇi samarpayāmi

ॐ यँ योगिनीबलिपात्राय नमः सर्वोपचारार्थे गन्धाक्षतपुष्पाणि समर्पयामि ।


[Place the Offer incense, flowers, rice etc. on the bali plate using the left hand thumb and ring finger.]


om̐ yam̐ yoginībalidravyāya namaḥ

ॐ यँ योगिनीबलिद्रव्याय नमः ।


[Sanctify the bali offerings with the above mantra.]


om̐ yam̐ yoginībalidravyāya namaḥ  sarvopacārārthe gandhākṣatapuṣpāṇi samarpayāmi namaḥ

ॐ यँ योगिनीबलिद्रव्याय नमः  सर्वोपचारार्थे गन्धाक्षतपुष्पाणि समर्पयामि नमः ।


[The bali offerings are now worshipped and offered to the Divine Yoginis, along with flowers, incense and rice grains.]


om̐ yām̐ sarvebhyo yoginībhyo phaṭ sarva-varṇa-yoginībhyo namaḥ sarva-śaktibhyaḥ trinetra sarva-vighnān-nāśaya nāśaya sarvān kāmāṃśca pūraya pūraya sarvopacāra-sahita imāṃ pūjābaliṃ gṛhāṇa gṛhāṇa hum̐ phaṭ svāhā

ॐ याँ सर्वेभ्यो योगिनीभ्यो फट् सर्ववर्णयोगिनीभ्यो नमः सर्वशक्तिभ्यः त्रिनेत्र सर्वविघ्नान्नाशय नाशय सर्वान् कामांश्च पूरय पूरय सर्वोपचारसहित इमां पूजाबलिं गृहाण गृहाण हुँ फट् स्वाहा ।


We offer our sacrificial offerings to all the Yoginis of every complexion, size and disposition. May the highly empowered three-eyed magical beings remove all the obstacles in our path and fulfill all our tasks and undertakings. May the Yoginis be pleased with our offerings and shower their blessings upon us at all times.


Prārthanā (प्रार्थना) – [prayer]

om̐ ūrdhvabrahmāṇḍatoyā divigaganatale bhūtale niṣkale vā

pātāle vā'nale vā salilapavanayoḥ yatra kutra sthitoḥ vā 1

kṣetre pīṭhopapīṭhe diśi ca kṛtapadā dhūpadīpādikebhyaḥ

prītā devyā sadā naḥ śubhavidhibalibhiḥ pātu vīrendravandyā 2

ॐ ऊर्ध्वब्रह्माण्डतोया दिविगगनतले भूतले निष्कले वा ।

पाताले वाऽनले वा सलिलपवनयोः यत्र कुत्र स्थितोः वा ॥ १ ॥

क्षेत्रे पीठोपपीठे दिशि च कृतपदा धूपदीपादिकेभ्यः ।

प्रीता देव्या सदा नः शुभविधिबलिभिः पातु वीरेन्द्रवन्द्या ॥ २ ॥


        May all the wondrous Yoginis bestowed with all types of magical powers, who are present in the entire multi-verse, in the heavens, in the netherworlds, the dimesions in between, on the Earth, in the deep waters, air, fire and at every other location in any disposition that they maybe in, may these Yoginis that are highly praised and worshipped by the devout and warriors alike, be pleased with our offerings and bestow their complete grace upon us and relieve us of all problems and help elevate us on all fronts!


Puṣpāṅjaliḥ (पुष्पाङ्जलिः) - [Showering flowers upon the bali plate]

yogini-yogamāyā ca yogināṃ siddhidāyinī

ṣaḍcakrabhedinī devi sarva-vighna-vināśinī 1

योगिनीयोगमाया च योगिनां सिद्धिदायिनी ।

षड्चक्रभेदिनी देवि सर्वविघ्नविनाशिनी ॥ १ ॥


        O Divine Mother Yogamāyā, the felicitator of all siddhis to the devout Yogis, the identifier and enabler of all the six mystical cakras in our body, is also the remover of all the obstacles in our path to progress on all fronts.


yoginī yogamāyā ca sarva-bhairava-mohinī

sarva-vīrya-mahātejāḥ sarvatra śubha-dāyinī 2

योगिनी योगमाया च सर्वभैरवमोहिनी ।

सर्ववीर्यमहातेजाः सर्वत्र शुभदायिनी ॥ २ ॥


        O Divine Mother Yogamāyā, you are the charmer of all forms of Bhairava. You are the glory of all great warriors and heros and you are the bestower of auspiciousness all around.


yā kācidyoginī raudrā saumyā ghorā parātparāḥ

dyuvyoma bhūmicāriṇyaḥ sarvāḥ prītāstu me sadā 3

या काचिद्योगिनी रौद्रा सौम्या घोरा परात्पराः ।

द्युव्योम भूमिचारिण्यः सर्वाः प्रीतास्तु मे सदा ॥ ३ ॥


        May the Yoginis of all dispositions, gentle, mild, aggressive, violent or highly elevated, present in all directions and everywhere in the entire omniverse, be pleased with us and provide their complete grace and help us succeed in every endeavor.


Bali samarpanam (बलि समर्पनम्) – [Dedicating the bali offerings]

anena balidānena sarvayoginyaḥ prīyatāṃ na mama

अनेन बलिदानेन सर्वयोगिन्यः प्रीयतां न मम ।


[We offer these humble items to please the Divine Yoginis to obtain their everlasting blessings.]



  1. Gaṇeśa balidānam (गणेश बलिदानम्) -


We offer our sacrificial offerings to Lord Gaṇeśa and all His forms. The entire class of deities that fall under Him are propitiated by this ritual.




om̐ gam̐ gaṇeśabalipātrādhāramaṇḍalāya namaḥ

ॐ गँ गणेशबलिपात्राधारमण्डलाय नमः ।


[Establish the maṇḍalā for offering the sacrifices to Lord Gaṇeśa.]


om̐ gam̐ gaṇeśabalipātrādhāramaṇḍalāya namaḥ sarvopacārārthe gandhākṣatapuṣpāṇi samarpayāmi

ॐ गँ गणेशबलिपात्राधारमण्डलाय नमः सर्वोपचारार्थे गन्धाक्षतपुष्पाणि समर्पयामि ।


[In the South-Western corner, the bali pātra (plate) must be placed on the pedestal and worshipped with flowers, incense and rice grains.]



om̐ gam̐ gaṇeśabalipātrāya namaḥ

ॐ गँ गणेशबलिपात्राय नमः ।


[The bali pātra is deemed to be established.]


om̐ gam̐ gaṇeśabalipātrāya namaḥ sarvopacārārthe gandhākṣatapuṣpāṇi samarpayāmi

ॐ गँ गणेशबलिपात्राय नमः सर्वोपचारार्थे गन्धाक्षतपुष्पाणि समर्पयामि ।


[Place the Offer incense, flowers, rice etc. on the bali plate using the left hand thumb and ring finger.]


om̐ gam̐ gaṇeśabalidravyāya namaḥ

ॐ गँ गणेशबलिद्रव्याय नमः ।


[Sanctify the bali offerings with the above mantra.]


om̐ gam̐ gaṇeśabalidravyāya namaḥ  sarvopacārārthe gandhākṣatapuṣpāṇi samarpayāmi namaḥ

ॐ गँ गणेशबलिद्रव्याय नमः  सर्वोपचारार्थे गन्धाक्षतपुष्पाणि समर्पयामि नमः ।


[The bali offerings are now worshipped and offered to the Divine Father Lord Gaṇeśa, along with flowers, incense and rice grains.]


om̐ gam̐ gām̐ gīm̐ gūm̐ gaim̐ gaum̐ gaḥ gaṇeśāya namaḥ bho gaṇeśa sarva-vighnān-nāśaya nāśaya sarvān kāmāṃśca pūraya pūraya sarvopacāra-sahita imāṃ pūjābaliṃ gṛhāṇa gṛhāṇa hum̐ phaṭ svāhā

ॐ गँ गाँ गीँ गूँ गैँ गौँ गः गणेशाय नमः भो गणेश सर्वविघ्नान्नाशय नाशय सर्वान् कामांश्च पूरय पूरय सर्वोपचारसहित इमां पूजाबलिं गृहाण गृहाण हुँ फट् स्वाहा ।


                May the Divine Father Lord Gaṇeśa, the remover of all obstacles and fulfiller of all wishes and desires, no matter how small or big they may be or feasible or impossible. May He accept our humble offering and be immensely pleased. May His blessings be upon us at all times!


Prārthanā (प्रार्थना) - [prayer]

om̐ om̐ om̐ kāraṇarūpaṃ trayamiti ca paraṃ yat svarūpaṃ turīyaṃ

traiguṇyātītanīlaṃ kalayati manasasteja sindūra mūrtim 1

yogīndrair-brahmarandhreḥ sakala-guṇamayaṃ śrīharendreṇa saṅgaṃ

gam̐ gam̐ gam̐ gam̐ gaṇeśaṃ gajamukhamabhito vyāpakaṃ cintayanti 2

ॐ ॐ ॐ कारणरूपं त्रयमिति च परं यत् स्वरूपं तुरीयं ।

त्रैगुण्यातीतनीलं कलयति मनसस्तेज सिन्दूर मूर्तिम् ॥ १ ॥

योगीन्द्रैर्ब्रह्मरन्ध्रेः सकलगुणमयं श्रीहरेन्द्रेण सङ्गं ।

गँ गँ गँ गँ गणेशं गजमुखमभितो व्यापकं चिन्तयन्ति ॥ २ ॥


                O Dear Lord Gaṇeśa, you are the manifested and unmanifested Parabrahman. You are the Creator, Preserver and Destroyer represented by the three states of the om̐ mantra. You are in form of all triads such as three guṇas. You appear in a red complexion and fill our hearts and mind with your presence. You are everpresent in the Brahmarandra position on the top of our head at the Sahasrāra and also below the root cakra (akula sahasrāra). All lords including Lord Śrī Hari and the celestials adore you through your bīja mantra gam̐, representing the power of discernment leading us towards the fourth state of Turīya, to experience the Super-consciousness.


videha-rūpaṃ bhava-bandha-hāraṃ sadā svaniṣṭhaṃ svasukha-pradantam

ameya-sāṅkhyena ca lakṣyam-īśaṃ gajānanaṃ bhaktiyutaṃ bhajāmaḥ 3

विदेहरूपं भवबन्धहारं सदा स्वनिष्ठं स्वसुखप्रदन्तम् ।

अमेयसाङ्ख्येन च लक्ष्यमीशं गजाननं भक्तियुतं भजामः ॥ ३ ॥


                O Dear Lord Gaṇeśa, you truly are incorporeal and you free the devout from all bondage and attachments. You are always in the Supreme state of the Super-consciousness and true bliss. You are the grantor of all happiness and true bliss. We intend to make numerous recitations of your names/attributes and mantras to achieve our stated goals with ardent devotion and fervor. Please shower your blessings upon us at all times.


kalpadrumādhaḥ sthitaṃ kāmadhenuṃ cintāmaṇiṃ dakṣiṇapāṇiśuṇḍam

vibhrāṇamaty-adbhuta-citta-rūpaṃ yaḥ pūjayet tasya samasta-siddhiḥ 4

कल्पद्रुमाधः स्थितं कामधेनुं चिन्तामणिं दक्षिणपाणिशुण्डम् ।

विभ्राणमत्यद्भुतचित्तरूपं यः पूजयेत् तस्य समस्तसिद्धिः ॥ ४ ॥


                Seated amongst the wondrous wish fulfilling tree such as Kalpadruma, wish fulfilling cow Kāmadhenu, wish fulfilling gem Cintāmaṇi with His elephant trunk bent towards the right. Those who meditate upon His wondrous form with deep reverence will surely obtain every magical siddhi that exists and accomplish any task!


Puṣpāṅjaliḥ (पुष्पाङ्जलिः) - [Showering flowers upon the bali plate]


om̐ gajānana pūrṇāya sāṅkhya-rūpa-mayāya te

videhena ca sarvatra saṃsthitāya namo namaḥ 1

ॐ गजानन पूर्णाय साङ्ख्यरूपमयाय ते ।

विदेहेन च सर्वत्र संस्थिताय नमो नमः ॥ १ ॥


                O Dear Lord Gaṇeśa, you truly are incorporeal and complete in all respects. You are the complete Whole from which the Whole Creation comes forth. We repeatedly pray to you to obtain your everlasting grace at all times!


ameyāya ca heramba paraśudhārakāya te

mūṣaka-vāhanā-yaiva vighneśāya namo namaḥ  2

अमेयाय च हेरम्ब परशुधारकाय ते ।

मूषकवाहनायैव विघ्नेशाय नमो नमः  ॥ २ ॥


                We bow to you reverently, O Lord Heramba Gaṇapati, Lord of the entire Creation, holder of the Divine Paraśu (axe) weapon, whose vehicle is a mouse and is the remover of all obstacles.


ananta-vibhavāyaiva pareśāṃ para-rūpiṇe

śiva-putrāya devāya guhāgrajāya te namaḥ 3

अनन्तविभवायैव परेशां पररूपिणे ।

शिवपुत्राय देवाय गुहाग्रजाय ते नमः ॥ ३ ॥


                Salutations O Divine Father Gaṇapati, you are endowed with infinite qualities and infinite measures of prosperity and auspiciousness of all types. You are the complete form of the Parabrahman and are the Super-consciousness Itself. You are the son of Lord Śiva and are always in the heart of the celestials.


pārvatī-nandanā-yaiva devānāṃ pālakāya te

sarveṣāṃ pūjyadehāya gaṇeśāya namo namaḥ 4

पार्वतीनन्दनायैव देवानां पालकाय ते ।

सर्वेषां पूज्यदेहाय गणेशाय नमो नमः ॥ ४ ॥


                Salutations O Divine Father Gaṇapati, you are the son of the Divine Mother Pārvatī and are the Lord and protector of all celestials. You are worshipped by the entire Creation and its beings at all times.


bali samarpanam (बलि समर्पनम्) - [Dedicating the bali offerings]

anena balidānena gaṇeśaḥ prīyatāṃ na mama

अनेन बलिदानेन गणेशः प्रीयतां न मम ।


[We offer these humble items to please the Divine Lord and obtain His everlasting blessings.]


  1. kṣetrapāla balidānam (क्षेत्रपाल बलिदानम्) -


We offer our sacrificial offerings to Lord Kṣetrapāla and seek His blessings through this ritual. There are various Kṣetrapālas and the offering is meant for all to invoke their blessings.



om̐ kṣam̐ kṣetrapālabalipātrādhāramaṇḍalāya namaḥ

ॐ क्षँ क्षेत्रपालबलिपात्राधारमण्डलाय नमः ।


[Establish the maṇḍalā for offering the sacrifices to Lord Kṣetrapāla.]


om̐ kṣam̐ kṣetrapālabalipātrādhāramaṇḍalāya namaḥ sarvopacārārthe gandhākṣatapuṣpāṇi samarpayāmi

ॐ क्षँ क्षेत्रपालबलिपात्राधारमण्डलाय नमः सर्वोपचारार्थे गन्धाक्षतपुष्पाणि समर्पयामि ।


[In the North-Western corner, the bali pātra (plate) must be placed on the pedestal and worshipped with flowers, incense and rice grains.]


om̐ kṣam̐ kṣetrapālabalipātrāya namaḥ

ॐ क्षँ क्षेत्रपालबलिपात्राय नमः ।


[The bali pātra is deemed to be established.]


om̐ kṣam̐ kṣetrapālabalipātrāya namaḥ sarvopacārārthe gandhākṣatapuṣpāṇi samarpayāmi

ॐ क्षँ क्षेत्रपालबलिपात्राय नमः सर्वोपचारार्थे गन्धाक्षतपुष्पाणि समर्पयामि ।


[Place the Offer incense, flowers, rice etc. on the bali plate using the left hand thumb and ring finger.]


om̐ kṣam̐ kṣetrapālabalidravyāya namaḥ

ॐ क्षँ क्षेत्रपालबलिद्रव्याय नमः ।


[Sanctify the bali offerings with the above mantra.]


om̐ kṣam̐ kṣetrapālabalidravyāya namaḥ sarvopacārārthe gandhākṣatapuṣpāṇi samarpayāmi namaḥ

ॐ क्षँ क्षेत्रपालबलिद्रव्याय नमः सर्वोपचारार्थे गन्धाक्षतपुष्पाणि समर्पयामि नमः ।


[The bali offerings are now worshipped and offered to the Divine Father Kṣetrapāla Bhairava, along with flowers, incense and rice grains.]


om̐ kṣām̐ kṣīm̐ kṣūm̐ kṣaim̐ kṣaum̐ kṣaḥ kṣetrapālāya namaḥ bho sthānakṣetrapāla sarva-vighnān-nāśaya nāśaya sarvān kāmāṃśca pūraya pūraya sarvopacārasahita imāṃ pūjābaliṃ gṛhāṇa gṛhāṇa hum̐ phaṭ svāhā

ॐ क्षाँ क्षीँ क्षूँ क्षैँ क्षौँ क्षः क्षेत्रपालाय नमः भो स्थानक्षेत्रपाल सर्वविघ्नान्नाशय नाशय सर्वान् कामांश्च पूरय पूरय सर्वोपचारसहित इमां पूजाबलिं गृहाण गृहाण हुँ फट् स्वाहा ।


                May the Protector Lord Kṣetrapāla, the ruler of the area, remove all obstacles in our path and fulfill all our wishes. May He be immensely pleased with our offerings and standby us at all times!


Prārthanā (प्रार्थना) - [prayer]

udyat-bhāskara-sannibhaṃ trinayanaṃ raktāṅgarāga-srajaṃ

smerāsyaṃ varadaṃ kapālam-abhayaṃ śūlaṃ dadhānaṃ karaiḥ 1

nīlagrīvam-udāra-kaustubha-dharaṃ śītāṃśucaṇḍojjvalaṃ

bandhūkāruṇa-vāsasaṃ bhaya-haraṃ devaṃ sadā bhāvaye 2

उद्यत्भास्करसन्निभं त्रिनयनं रक्ताङ्गरागस्रजं ।

स्मेरास्यं वरदं कपालमभयं शूलं दधानं करैः ॥ १ ॥

नीलग्रीवमुदारकौस्तुभधरं शीतांशुचण्डोज्ज्वलं ।

बन्धूकारुणवाससं भयहरं देवं सदा भावये ॥ २ ॥


                Shining with the resplendence of the rising Sun, three-eyed with red unguents applied on the body, He displays the wish granting Varada mudra, bears a skull cup, displays the fear allaying Abhaya mudra and holds a trident in His arms. He has a blue neck and adorns the famed Kaustubha jewel and a crescent moon on His head. He is dressed in bright red garments and removes all types of fears and worries that we have. He offers everlasting protection and keeps us safe from all harm.


om̐ yam̐ yam̐ yam̐ yakṣarūpaṃ daśa-diśi-vadanaṃ bhūmi-kampāyamānaṃ

sam̐ sam̐ saṃhāra-mūrtiṃ śubha-mukuṭa-jaṭā-śekharaṃ candra-bimbam 3

dam̐ dam̐ dam̐ dīrghakāyaṃ vikṛtanakhamukhaṃ cordhvaromaṃ karālaṃ

pam̐ pam̐ pam̐ pāpanāśaṃ praṇamata satataṃ bhairavaṃ kṣetrapālam 4

ॐ यँ यँ यँ यक्षरूपं दशदिशिवदनं भूमिकम्पायमानं ।

सँ सँ संहारमूर्तिं शुभमुकुटजटाशेखरं चन्द्रबिम्बम् ॥ ३ ॥

दँ दँ दँ दीर्घकायं विकृतनखमुखं चोर्ध्वरोमं करालं ।

पँ पँ पँ पापनाशं प्रणमत सततं भैरवं क्षेत्रपालम् ॥ ४ ॥


                O Divine Father Kṣhetrapāla Bhairava, you appear in the form of the extra-dimensional Yakṣas and have your sight on all the ten directions causing tumult. You are the destroyer who renders auspiciousness and you also bear the moon on your knotted hairlocks. You are very tall in appearance, bearing sharp and pointed teeth, raised and robut chest and wide jaws. You tear apat all sins and misery of the devotees who salute you. You protect the devotees at all times and standby them in their time of need!


vande nīlādrikāntaṃ śaśiśakala-dharaṃ muṇḍamālaṃ maheśaṃ

digvastraṃ piṅga-keśaṃ ḍamarumathasṛṇiṃ khaḍga-pāśābhayāni 5

nāgaṃ ghaṇṭāṃ kapālaṃ kara-sarasiruhair-bibhrataṃ bhīma-daṃṣṭraṃ

divyākalpaṃ trinetraṃ maṇimaya-vilasat-kiṅkiṇī-nūpūrāḍhya 6

वन्दे नीलाद्रिकान्तं शशिशकलधरं मुण्डमालं महेशं ।

दिग्वस्त्रं पिङ्गकेशं डमरुमथसृणिं खड्गपाशाभयानि ॥ ५ ॥

नागं घण्टां कपालं करसरसिरुहैर्बिभ्रतं भीमदंष्ट्रं ।

दिव्याकल्पं त्रिनेत्रं मणिमयविलसत्किङ्किणीनूपूराढ्य ॥ ६ ॥


                O Divine Father Kṣhetrapāla, you are none other Lord Maheśvara, blue throated, bearing a crescent moon, adorning a garland of skulls, scantily clad, tawny haired, shaking a drum churning out the vibrations of the entire Creation, holding a sword, rope and displaying the fear allaying abhaya mudra. You are also bearing a serpent on your neck, holding a bells and a skull. You have enormous teeth and majestic appearance with three-eyes and adorned with all types of fabulous gems and ornaments all over your body.


Puṣpāṅjaliḥ (पुष्पाङ्जलिः) - [Showering flowers upon the bali plate]

om̐ tīkṣṇadaṃṣṭra mahākāya kalpānta-dahanopama

bhairavāya namastubhyaṃ anujñāṃ dātumarhasi 1

ॐ तीक्ष्णदंष्ट्र महाकाय कल्पान्तदहनोपम ।

भैरवाय नमस्तुभ्यं अनुज्ञां दातुमर्हसि ॥ १ ॥


                O Lord Bhairava, wide jawed bearing enormous sharp teeth, huge in appearance and the destroyer of the entire Creation during the great crunch, we pray to your reverently to obtain  your immense protection and grace upon us at all times and seek your permission to worship you to our best possible extent!


om̐ yasmin kṣetre nivāsī ca kṣetrapālaḥ sakiṅkaraḥ

prīto'yaṃ balidānena sarvarakṣāṃ karotu me 2

ॐ यस्मिन् क्षेत्रे निवासी च क्षेत्रपालः सकिङ्करः ।

प्रीतोऽयं बलिदानेन सर्वरक्षां करोतु मे ॥ २ ॥


                O servants of Lord Kṣetrapāla, we pray upon you to please take our offerings and be pleased with them and offer your complete protection at all times!


graha-bhūta-piśācādyās-trailokye vicaranti ye

dūrādāśu palāyante kṣetreśa tava darśanāt 3

ग्रहभूतपिशाचाद्यास्त्रैलोक्ये विचरन्ति ये ।

दूरादाशु पलायन्ते क्षेत्रेश तव दर्शनात् ॥ ३ ॥


                O Lord Kṣetrapāla, the fierce and harm inducing grahadoṣas, ghosts, goblins and other harmful extra-dimensional entities present in all the triads, fear your presence and do not harm your devotees. Please remain with us at all times and offer your complete protection!


Bali samarpanam (बलि समर्पनम्) - [Dedicating the bali offerings]

anena balidānena kṣetrapālaḥ prīyatāṃ na mama

अनेन बलिदानेन क्षेत्रपालः प्रीयतां न मम ।


[We offer these humble items to please the Divine Lord and obtain His everlasting blessings.]

This article is written by Krishna Vallapareddy and can be contacted at Krishna@manblunder.com

                                                                                                                                            Click here for Part 8