This is part IV of kundalini series. Kundalini moves to and fro from perineum to coccyx frequently. Though kundalini can be effectively moved by focused mind, she can also be moved by certain physical actions or postures. Any sort of pressure in and around the perineum makes the kundalini to move from perineum to coccyx. Bending and stretching exercises are highly useful here. In our day to day life the external opening of the rectum is contracted and relaxed a few times a day. Sphincter muscle around this area makes this contraction and relaxation possible. The moola bandha is an exercise or yoga that describes this action. The contraction of sphincter muscles makes the kundalini to move from perineum to coccyx, because of the pressure applied to the pelvic cavity. Once sphincter muscle is relaxed kundalini comes back to perineum from coccyx.

This activity happens normally in the human body and that is why without any great involvement of the mind, kundalini shunts between perineum and coccyx. There is yet another reason for the kundalini to go back to perineum. Kundalini is also subject to gravitational force. Coccyx is slightly above the perineum and due to the natural gravitational pull kundalini comes back to perineum. The kundalini moves from perineum to coccyx and back with sound. This sound can’t be heard under normal circumstances. Just close your ears to block the external sound with your thumbs. Look for some sort of humming sound or sound of a conch. You can realise some sound within. This is shabdhabrahman, the origin of sound which is the modification of OM. This is the inner divine voice. This initial sound will undergo reformation due to persistent practice. At later stages you will be able to listen to your inner divine voice clearly and distinctly. However it depends upon the movement of kundalini. At this stage you know the nature of kundalini and its location. Let us begin our practice at this stage. I suggest that you do the stretching exercises we have discussed earlier, whenever you sit for kundalini meditation. Sit in the posture which we have discussed in our earlier postings. Inhale and exhale deeply.

When you exhale, your stomach should contract and when you inhale your stomach should expand. Please do not be under the impression that the air we inhale goes to the stomach. The inhalation of air enters only the lungs. By making your stomach bloat or expand you ensure the movement of duodenum, the importance of which we will discuss later. Come back to normal breathing. Now focus your attention on your perineum. Visualise kundalini energy in the form of bright light. Visualise and move the kundalini from perineum to coccyx. When you visualise this movement, do this moola bhandha for a few seconds and release. Repeat this process as many times as you can. When you are able to synchronize moola bhandha with your mental movement of kundalini, you can proceed to the next step. Inhale deeply synchronizing with moola bhanda, hold your breath for a few seconds, visualizing the movement of kundalini from perineum to coccyx. Please do not hold your breath not more than a few seconds. Your comfort level of holding the breath is very important.

Synchronization is important in this practice. First synchronization is between deep inhalation by bloating the stomach, moola bhandha and movement of kundalini from perineum to coccyx. Second synchronization is between holding the breath with stomach remaining bloated, concentration at coccyx visualizing kundalini energy there, continuation of moola bhandha. The third synchronization is between, exhalation with stomach being pulled back, releasing moola bhandha, visulalising kundalini moving back to perineum. After practicing this for a few times, close your ears with your thumbs and listen to the sound and find out the difference before commencement of the practice and after completion of the practice. Before you proceed to the next stage, the inner voice should be stronger than before.