Clarification sought: would like to know the difference between the Panchadasi and Shodashakshari mantras, of course apart from the fact that the later contains one more akshara. Why is the Shodashakshari kept so secret?
Clarification: Panchadasi and Shodasi mantras have been already explained during the course of our discussions on Lalitha Sahasranamam. Shodasi has been explained under nama 587. All mantras are considered as secretive in nature and Shodasi in not an exception. Recitation of Shoadsi leads to liberation. This mantra does not give any materialistic gains. It leads straight to the Brahman. Normally, one is not initiated into this mantra straight away. Guru decides the timing of initiation into this mantra. Generally one is first initiated into Bala. Depending upon one’s progress, Panchadasi is initiated. If Guru considers that his disciple is fit for final liberation, he initiates him into Shodasi. One should recite 900,000 times of this mantra followed by ‘purascharana’ rituals to attain siddhi. Then only liberation is possible.
Shodasi Vidya is considered as Brahma Vidya, the knowledge of the Brahman. Brahman is depicted in the form of mantras in shodasi vidya. Since Shodasi depicts the Brahman in the form of mantras, it is treated as secret. But the important aspect of its secrecy is the replacement of second ‘om’ in this mantra with atma bija. The third aspect of the secrecy is the worship of ‘ninth avarana’ that deals with ‘para, para-para and apara’ states. If one is able to reach the fourth stage of ‘turiya’, he gets prepared to attain liberation in the next stage of ‘turiyatita’. Turiya is reached without any difficulty when Shodasi mantra is chanted regularly.
In Panchadasi mantra you transcend the fourth state of consciousness, the turiya state. In Shodasi you merge with the Brahman, by reaching the fifth state of consciousness, turiyatita. There is nothing beyond this. What happens if one transcends turiya state? The self is replaced by SELF. This transformative realization happens in a fraction of a second where near death like situation is experienced. One is not the same person after that ‘second’.
October 18, 2011 05:41 PM
Really good to understand please tell how to chant?
December 05, 2011 10:49 PM
thank you sir
with regards
dinesh .s
May 09, 2013 10:45 PM
Is that SELF is brahman. the state is practically "aham brahmasmi"state ? unity with bhagavati?
May 09, 2013 11:04 PM
This can be explained like this. Unity with Bhagavati is the state of Bliss or ānanda. This is not the state of liberation. When one remains in the state of Bliss for certain time (possibly running to years), liberation is attained. Here too, liberation cannot be attained on our own will. She has to pave way for that. Lalitā Sahasranāma says that She alone can impart knowledge of Shiva. Typically speaking ahaṁ Brahmāsmi means I am Shiva. This is often explained as Śivohaṁ (I am Shiva). The ultimate reality is one can attain liberation only through Her and when we mean liberation, it is the state of being with Shiva.
March 28, 2023 05:03 PM
Thank you for sharing this knowledge. I happened to see or know about the mantra today. What does this mean to me. Should I follow the path and chant this everyday. I’m not sure what to do. I don’t know about the rules . Please enlighten me and guide me. I do meditate but chanting mantra is not something I have done everyday. Your guidance will help me
March 29, 2023 10:03 AM
This mantra is only for higher initiates of Śrīvidyā who are serious about the practices associated with the worship of the Divine Mother through both ritualistic and meditative means. You can research further into Śrīvidyā and make a call if that is something that interests you and would like to take a deep dive in. These are life altering mantras and should not be taken lightly. A guru's guidance is considered necessary and you may look for someone who is willing to guide you through the entire process.