This is part VIII of the series ‘the supreme creation’. Though the interdependency is established between external tools and internal tools, it is the mind that is more active in interacting with the external tools. That is why yoga attaches greater importance to mind control. As we know, purusha which is also known as soul is the primary source of a life. Without soul, an existence is just not possible as the soul alone is the cause for all actions that unfolds due to manifestation of karma. The illusionary effect or maya induces the soul to think that it assumes the dual role of the enjoyer (beneficiary) and doer. Maya causes this inducement through ego. Maya never acts directly but always acts through one’s ego. But the fact is that ego alone is responsible for making the organs of perception and action to function harmoniously based on the factor of their interdependency. Now apart from the factors of internal and external tools, other factors come into to play their due roles in creation and sustenance of man.
The most important among other factors is ‘prana’, which is also known as vital force. Our inhalation undergoes a process by which the air we inhale gets converted from its gross form to five subtle types of pranas. These pranas by getting converted into vital force aid in different metabolic activities of the body. Prakriti or nature is the platform in which the internal and external tools begin to function, if they get associated with the soul or purusha. Both the internal and external tools, though interdependent on each other cannot manifest unless activated by the soul. Such an activity will not happen unless there is a proper platform available. Since such a platform is available in the form of prakriti, both the tools in colligation with the soul begin to unfold the first activity of creation. For example, the subtle nature of tanmatras such as sound, touch, form, taste and smell get transformed into the grosser form of basic elements such as akash, air, fire, water and earth. The finer or subtler form of elements gets transformed into gross forms known as objects, thereby causing the creation of the universe that is not total at this stage.
The basic elements of akash, air, fire, water and earth undergo changes in their composition, whereby the objects become visible, completing the process of total creation. As an example, let us take the case of akash which is 100%. Out of this 100%, only 50% of akash remains as such. The balance 50% is filled with 12.50% each of air, fire, water and earth. Same is the case with other four elements as well. Therefore, interdependency all these factors becomes an important factor in creation. The entire process of creation depends upon these 27 principles or tatwas. To recollect, following are the 27 tatwas. 1.The Brahman (the supreme or paramatma), 2. Purusha or the soul, 3. Prakriti or nature, 4,5,6,7. Anthakkaranam or internal tools comprising of mind, intellect, consciousness and ego, 8,9,10,11,12. Jnanendriyas or organs of perception or cognitive senses comprising of ear, skin, eye, tongue and nose. 13,14,15,16,17. Cognitive faculties or tanmatras sound, touch, sight, taste and smell. 18,19,10,21,22. Karmendriyas or organs of actions mouth, feet, hands, organs of excretion and organ of procreation. 23,24,25,26,27. Action faculties speech, movement, holding, excretion and procreation. (to be continued)
Tarun Sharma
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