4. Ashwins:
Ashwins are two in numbers. They are said to be the two sons of the Sun. Ashwa means horse. The Ashwins are said to be the physicians of the Gods. They are endowed with youth and beauty. The interests of the human souls are:
- Thought and its final illuminations.
- Action and its last supreme all achieving puissance and
- Enjoyment and its highest spiritual ecstasies. For this, our thought actions have to be divinized first.
These Ashwins work on pranamaya kosha. Ashwins are the powers of truth, intelligent action and right of enjoyment. They are the givers of divine energy and carries man beyond darkness.
5. Visvedevah:
In literal term it means all devatas. They are the universal Gods, protectors and supporters of men, bestowers of rewards and come to the libation of the worshipper. Generally, it is assumed that those Gods who have not been referred to in Vedas are categorized as Visvedevah.
6. Saraswathi:
The Goddess of speech. The name also refers to one of ancient rivers in India. But, generally she is referred as the Goddess of speech. She is also referred to as the goddess of flowing moments (here it refers the river and inspiration (goddess of speech). In the modern day context, Saraswathi can be referred as the truth of consciousness. Light in Vedas is a symbol of knowledge or spiritual illumination. Other names such as Ila, Bharati, and Mahi are associated with Saraswathi.
7. Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva (Rudra)- a comparison:
Brahma is referred as the creator of the Universe. He is also called Brahmanspati. Some learned scholars refer Brahmanspati as the Lord Ganapathi. Brahma, as the creator calls light and visible cosmos out of the darkness of the Inconscient Ocean and speeds the formation of conscious being upward to their supreme goal. This is how the conception of Brahma as the creator arose. For the upward movement of Brahma’s formations, Rudra (Shiva) supplies the force. He leads the upward evolution of the conscious being. He is intolerant to any mistakes. Even Vedic rishis are afraid of only the Rudra. He is also the supreme healer himself. But this violent and mighty Rudra breaks down all the defective formations of outward and inward lives of everyone. At the same time he is the final peace and joy. Rudra means one who removes the misery that causes crying or pain. For the actions of Rudra’s force, Vishnu supplies necessary static elements, space, the ordered movements of the worlds, the ascending levels etc. The supreme step of Vishnu is called paramam padam. It is this highest seat of Vishnu that is the goal of Vedic journey. Vedic Vishnu is the natural precursor and sufficient origin of Puranic Narayana, the preserver. There are many other Gods and Goddesses mentioned in the Vedas. At this point, it is not necessary to go into these details. Further discussion on Vedas will be posted subsequently.
October 01, 2009 07:34 PM
I`m thinking about meanings of Saraswati implied by the name. It can be Sara (as knowledge) and vati as flow. But it also implies the Mother of creation due to `rasa`. There are seven colors in the Sun`s ray, seven basic meters, seven sages, seven rasas, seven basic tones...