Vijnana Bhairava Tantra Part 13: verses 49 - 52
Vijnana Bhairava Tantra Verse 49: Skill 26
It is often said ‘look within’. Shiva says where to look within. He says that one should concentrate in the inner space between the two halves of the heart. But he uses the word ‘padma’ which means lotus. Now the confusion arises whether it is the biological heart or the heart chakra. The biological heart is not positioned in the centre of the body. Further in the biological heart there is no empty space. The heart chakra is located in the centre of the body in the spinal cord. Katha Upanishad (II.i.12) “madhya ātmani tisṭhati” which means ‘(Brahman) is there in the centre of the body.’ There is no space in the biological heart. Therefore, it is obvious that Shiva refers to anahat chakra only. Shiva says that one should concentrate on the heart chakra by inwardly focussing the senses to attain the highest stage of blessedness.
Vijnana Bhairava Tantra Verse 50: Skill 27
When one fixes his consciousness in dvādaśānta at all times, the wandering of his mind will get dissolved over a period of time. Dvādaśānta is the term normally associated with kundalini meditation. Generally the term means 12 finger lengths. For example the distance between the tip of the nose to sahasrara is 12 finger lengths. The cosmic energy is drawn by the orifice in the sahasrara from 12 finger length level. Exchange of energy between the body and cosmos takes place at 12 finger length from the top of the head. One’s energy is radiated through different chakras situated in the body. In general, dvādaśānta means twelve finger lengths between any two points. In this context, dvādaśānta means sahasrara. Shiva says that one should fix his consciousness in sahasrara while performing all routine activities. If this is practiced regularly, Shiva is realized. The next verse also refers to dvādaśānta.
{There are different interpretations for dvādaśānta. According to other interpretations, it also means 1.void or ‘shunya’. 2. The spinal cord. 3. It could also mean the pineal gland situated at twelve inches from brahmarandhra. According to the latest findings, it is believed that the pineal gland is the place where the soul resides as a representative of the Brahman. This has been elaborately dealt with in this blog. Please use the search engine at the top of this site to know more on pineal gland.}
Vijnana Bhairava Tantra Verse 51: Skill 28
If one repeatedly fixes his consciousness in any of the dvādaśāntas (possibly meaning naval chakra upwards. The distance between one’s naval chakra and anahat chakra is 12 finger lengths), Shiva says that his mind gets fixed. As per this verse, one should hold his awareness repeatedly on the same place, 12 inches away from the body. The consciousness should be fixed outside the body, where one does not have any sensory afflictions. This verse says that apart from performing routine karmas by using his mind, he should also hold his higher level of consciousness away from the body un-influenced by senses. As long as one’s consciousness is within the body, sensory afflictions are bound to happen. After a few days of practice, he will feel as if he is born afresh.
{There are two possibilities to such a situation. Either the consciousness alternates between two stages or his consciousness is split between performing karma yoga on one side and perpetual meditation on the other side. But in the initial stage of practice, this may not be possible leading to lower level of efficiency in working environment. But once this stage is attained, the efficiency level turns out to be very high.}
Vijnana Bhairava Tantra Verse 52: Skill 29
Visualise that one’s entire body from the tip of the toe is burnt by kālagni (the fire of Rudra. Sri Rudram 2). This visualisation is said to purify the body. Kalagni of Rudra is capable of destroying all physical and mental impurities. Since the purity of body and mind is necessary to realize Him, Bhairava says that such visualisation is necessary. The same type of visualisation is cited in Sri Vidya navavarana puja. Why it is said so? Krishna answers this in Bhagavad Gita (III.37) “It is desire begotten of the element of rajas, which appears as wrath. It is insatiable and grossly wicked. Know this to be the enemy in this case.” This is the significance of showing ‘harati’ while performing rituals. When sins and impurities of body and mind are burnt, what remains is only the pure consciousness where Shiva is realized. For Shiva-realisation, purity of thought, mind and body are the most essential factors.
Further Readings:
Vijnana Bhairava Tantra - Part 12
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