Last article on Vijñānabhairava was posted on June 30, 2010 and later was discontinued. Now, this is being continued from where it was left. The last verse published was 62 and the corresponding skill was 49 under part 15. Vijñānabhairava deals with different types of meditative practices to realize Supreme Bhairava, Śiva.
Vijnana Bhairav Tantra PART 16: VERSES 63 - 65
Vijnana Bhairav Tantra Verse 63: Skill 40
One has to contemplate that the whole universe is filled with Consciousness. During this contemplation, mind should be free of thoughts. Instead of the universe, the aspirant can also meditate that his body is full of Consciousness. When perfection is attained, Supreme Awakening happens. Consciousness is nothing but awareness. Consciousness is the most important factor for living. There are different levels of consciousness. The lowest level of consciousness is the mundane consciousness and the highest level of consciousness is the Divine consciousness, which can also be expressed as illuminating Bhairava Consciousness.
There is direct connection between consciousness and the mind. Consciousness can be purified or refined only through one’s mind with no way of controlling it externally.
Vijnana Bhairav Tantra Verse 64: Skill 41
By merging inhalation and exhalation, equivalence can be realized. Equivalence means realizing all as Bhairava, the true feeling of realizing His omnipresence. When inhalation is done, it stops at a point inside the body and from the same place, exhalation begins. Inhalation is prāṇa and exhalation is apāna. This happens inside the body. Similar point is there outside the body. When the air exhaled reaches a particular point outside the body, inhalation starts from the same point outside the body. Thus, there are two points, one inside the body and the other outside the body. These two points are called external dvādaśānta and internal dvādaśānta. Dvādaśānta means twelve finger length (dvādaśa – twelve; anta –limit or boundary). As far as the internal contemplation is concerned, one can visualize a point in third eye chakra or heart chakra. The point which is twelve inches above sahasrāra is also known as dvādaśānta, where out-of-body experience is realized.
When one meditates on either of these two points, externally or internally, a condition arises wherein both inhalation and exhalation stops for a few seconds and a void is created, in which one realizes equivalence. For him, the entire universe appears as Bhairava.
Vijnana Bhairav Tantra Verse 65: Skill 42
When one visualizes that his own body is filled with his own spiritual bliss, he is able to identify himself with the Supreme Bliss. His own spiritual bliss is the bliss that is not identified with any of the external objects but the essence of his inner divinity.
The aspirant has a choice. Either he can contemplate his own body filled with bliss or the whole universe is filled with bliss, as explained in verse 63. The point to be noted here is that contemplation should be made on his own bliss and not on the Divine Bliss. Obviously, he cannot contemplate on the Divine Bliss, as he has not yet experienced the same. Contemplation here means affirmation. This means that he has to visualize that his body or the universe is already filled with his bliss and not being filled with bliss. With practice, he is able to unite his bliss with Supreme Bliss, the Bliss of Bhairava.
Further Readings:
Vijnana Bhairava Tantra - Part 15
Narasimha Sumanth
Narasimha Sumanth
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