Vijnana Bhairava Tantra PART 18: VERSES 69 – 76
Vijnana Bhairava Tantra VERSE 69: SKILL 46
During orgasm, complete absorption takes place between the two, when all other thoughts are annihilated and they enter the state of thoughtlessness. Even the presence of the partner who triggered the orgasm is not realized. This is described here as the state of Bliss. One can experience Bliss only if his or her mind becomes thoughtless and in this state, if one is able to unite his consciousness with the Divine Consciousness, he or she could enjoy the Bliss. When the mind becomes thoughtless, Divine Consciousness automatically pervades it.
During conjugation, kuṇḍalinī automatically gets activated and reaches ājñā chakra where two subtle nāḍī-s iḍā and piṅgala join suṣumna, the central canal in the spine. This is the point where mind initiates the process of purification and attempts to get into the path of divinity. This is the point where the individual consciousness attempts to enter into the Supreme Consciousness. Tantra Scriptures mostly dwell on this aspect. The pleasure of the gross body gets into subtle body where individual mind and ego are embedded. As a result of this pleasure, mind, intellect and ego are completely dissolved and every part of the body experiences the Bliss. At the state of experiencing the Bliss, there exists only the Bliss and nothing else, including the mind. Transcending the mind is called the state of turya.
When awareness is fixed at ājñā chakra during orgasm, one can feel the ascension of kuṇḍalinī on its own. This is not without reasoning. Kuṇḍalinī, situated in the perineum gets activated due to the intense heat and energy and moves up towards higher chakras. Pressure cookers work on this principle.
This verse says that during the state of thoughtless arising at the time of orgasm, Bliss can be experienced. The ultimate aim of any practice is to enter the state of Bliss. It should be understood that the verse only explains the state of Bliss and does not say that this is the path to experience the Bliss. Divine Bliss can be experienced by uniting one’s individual consciousness with the Supreme Consciousness.
Orgasmic pleasure which is described in this verse as the Bliss is not perpetual. The perpetual Bliss can be experienced only if self and Self are united. Tantra is a very dangerous path to pursue without understanding the various intricacies and subtleties.
Vijnana Bhairava Tantra VERSE 70: SKILL 47
Even in the absence of a partner, bliss can be attained by remembering the moments of conjugal pleasure. This verse is an extension of the previous verse. The previous verse spoke about a partner. This verse says there is no need for a partner to enjoy bliss. Dwelling on those thoughts are enough to trigger the Bliss. In other words, this verse subtly conveys that if one is able to unite his consciousness with that of Śiva, one can experience Bliss.
It can also be explained that energy of Śakti uniting with the consciousness of Śiva causes the Bliss. This is also known as divine union. Based on this principle, Śakti is defined as kinetic in nature and Śiva as static in nature. The one who is able to unite Śakti and Śiva in his or her mind is called a Yogi. During the perfect union, as defined in the previous verse, all dualities are dissolved and there exists only Śiva in the form of Bliss, where kinetic aspect is only inherent but not visible. This is known as spiritual orgasm and generally happens only outside the physical body, a few inches above sahasrāra. This is the point where not only Śiva is realized, but the entire universe is realized. One’s individual consciousness becomes universal consciousness during this state.
Vijnana Bhairava Tantra VERSE 71: SKILL 48
One will experience great joy while meeting a relative after a long time. While experiencing this joy, on should focus on this joy till he experiences the Bliss. The point driven home in these verses is fixing of one’s awareness during a particular act or incident. It is also to be understood that joy after persistent focusing manifests as Bliss; a sad incident cannot cause Bliss.
Happiness has two aspects, one at the time of first experience and second at the time of recollecting the incident leading to joy. If one is able to concentrate on either of these, one can experience the Bliss.
This is the reason for many becoming speechless on seeing a person very dear to their hearts after a long gap. Tears roll down due to the state of Bliss unfolding.
Vijnana Bhairava Tantra VERSE 72: SKILL 49
When one experiences happiness while eating or drinking, he should meditate on that joy which results in Bliss. Meditate on the joy means taking forward that joy or remaining in that joy. When he immerses himself in that joy, he is absorbed in that joy which transforms into Bliss.
Generally it is said that stomach should be empty while meditating. But this verse overrides this principle, as Bliss can happen at any time, even without meditation. There are two kinds of Bliss. The first one is induced during perfect meditation. The second one happens on its own without any reason. For example, on seeing a sage, on visiting a place of worship, Bliss unfolds on its own. Bliss also unfolds when the energy level is very powerful in certain places.
Vijnana Bhairava Tantra VERSE 73: SKILL 50
When a yogi becomes absolved in music or a song, he becomes joyous as his total awareness is fixed on the song or music. He becomes engrossed in the music, as he fixes his entire awareness on the music, and as a result of this, his mind is totally pervaded by the joy aroused by the music. When he carries forward this single pointed awareness, he becomes one with the Self.
Bhajans and discourses are the appropriate forums to experience this. When someone is immersed into a discourse, he forgets his surroundings and fixes his consciousness on the discourse. He is able to visualize that he is personally present at the scene narrated during the discourse. He realizes that the scenes of described in the discourse happens before him. Some devotional songs are also capable of making a person to enter into a trance.
This is a typical instance of a person transcending his mind and gets absorbed into that experience, the state of turya.
Vijnana Bhairava Tantra VERSE 74: SKILL 51
When the mind is satisfied on certain object or event, let the mind be fixed there itself. As a result of fixing continued awareness on the particular object or event, Bliss unfolds.
Amongst many activities that happen in our lives, only few activities are done with involvement. Because of this involvement, mind gets focused on a particular activity and as a result of this one feels the joy which manifests as Bliss.
The point driven home in these verses is absolute concentration on a particular act or object. When the awareness, which is also known as consciousness, is fixed without distractions, mind is totally pervaded by that particular act or object. During this state, all other mundane thought processes are annihilated and consciousness is fixed only on that act or object. This leads to ecstasy, which can be realized only by the mind. Mind is the only tool available to us to experience the Bliss.
Vijnana Bhairava Tantra VERSE 75: SKILL 52
This is a very important verse and be realized by everyone in normal course of life.
One has gone to bed. He is about to sleep but not actually entered into the state of sleep. At the same time, he is not fully awake. He is neither sleeping nor awake. He is in the midpoint between these two states. During this state Śakti reveals Herself. During this state, all thoughts processes are annihilated as the mind is about to enter into the state of losing consciousness for sleep.
This state can be observed be everyone by default. The same state repeats while one is about to wakeup. This can be better explained through this flow chart.
Active state à going to bed à mid point state à dream state à deep sleep state à dream state (reversal of the process begins here) à mid point state à getting up from bed à active state.
Mid point is the state that is being described in this verse. Not only divine visions, but also divine commune happens in this mid point state. If one learns to concentrate on this mid point, which may not last long (may be a minute), one can surely have divine indecipherable commune and hazy visions. This can perfected with practice.
Vijnana Bhairava Tantra VERSE 76: SKILL 53
Look into the sky that appears in different colors (VIBGYOR) due to the effect of the sun. Alternative, one can look into a lamp or light. Whatever is the point of gazing, one has to focus on it with absolute concentration. When the awareness on the sun or light is intent, one is able to realize the illuminating Self. In other words, the Self will have that kind of illumine at the microcosmic level. At the macrocosmic level, the illumination will be several times brighter and is beyond human comprehension.
There is one specific dhāraṇa, which is often advised to increase concentration. Light a candle. Fix your consciousness on the light of the candle. Then close the eyes. You can see the light of the candle within for a few seconds. This practice not only helps in improving one’s focus, but also helps in kuṇḍalinī meditation. Particularly, this kind of concentration helps in making the kuṇḍalinī ascend from ājñā chakra.
Further Readings:
Vijnana Bhairava Tantra- Part 17
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