Vijnana Bhairava Tantra Part 6. Verses 28 – 30:
Vijnana Bhairava Tantra Verse 28: Skill 5
It is a well known fact that prana or vital force of life known as kundalini rests in perineum, where muladhara chakra is situated. Kundalini, the subtlest form of prana energy is situated in muladhara chakra. Kundalini can be made to ascend only by means of consciousness. Certain other methods may also be necessary like ‘bhandhas’ and ‘mudras’. All this has been elaborately discussed in the discussion on ‘Kundalini’. When one fixes concentration on any object, the object becomes highly energised. If one fixes his consciousness on the base chakra, kundalini begins to leave its place of domicile to reach higher chakras. When it reaches higher chakras Self-realization happens, or in other words Bhairava is realized. When kundalini ascends, it appears like a lightning that is full of vibrant energy. It is not necessary that kundalini should ascend chakra after chakra. In some exceptional cases, it ascends like a rocket from muladhara straight to sahasrara. The realisation happens at sahasrara. In this verse Bhairava says that one should merely concentrate on muladhara. Rest of the process of realization unfolds automatically.
Vijnana Bhairava Tantra Verse 29: Skill 6
In the earlier verse Shiva said that one should concentrate on muladhara and the rest of the process of realizing Bhairava happens at sahasrara. In this verse, Shiva says that the self illuminating kundalini should be meditated from lower chakras towards the higher chakras. From muladhara it goes to naval chakra, heart chakra, third eye to culminate at sahasrara where the realization happens. The divine yoga (yoga means union) takes place here by the union of Shakthi and Shiva. Kundalini is considered as feminine energy and Shiva as the static masculine energy. Shiva sutras say that Shakthi is ‘vimarsha’ and Shiva is ‘prakasha’. This has already been discussed in this site and will be discussed more elaborately while discussing Shiva Sutras.
There is distinct difference between verse 28 and verse 29. Verse 28 speaks about kundalini blasting in a fraction of second to reach sahasrara. Verse 29 discusses about kundalini ascending one chakra after another. If kundalini blasts happens, it could lead to certain complications. It is possible that one could become unconscious for long. The other possibility is that that one could become insane. For a scenario referred in verse 28, one should prepare his body to withstand the impact of the blast, though it is not possible to know the timing of such blast. Such blast happens only if one has good karmic account. Verse 29 mentions about normal kundalini practice.
The most important point of realising the Self is the third eye or ajna chakra. The pineal gland that is behind the third eye chakra can also be called as the gland of divinity. Recent scientific studies have said that the pineal gland responds to light. The pineal gland can be said to be the location of soul and this soul gets connected to the cosmos through an orifice in sahasrara. This connection is established through a subtle illuminative cord known as ‘silver cord’. If one is able to concentrate on the third eye by inwardly focussing the biological eyes on the third eye (pineal gland), kundalini becomes manifest with all the potential energy. A fully activated ajna chakra transforms visualised affirmations into reality. Here, he will not aspire for material prosperity, as he is gradually distancing himself from desires, bondage and attachments. However, he continues to live a normal life by partaking in normal activities.
Vijnana Bhairava Tantra Verse 30: Skill 7
In the previous verses, Bhairava had spoken about realising Him. Now He explains the methods of being with Him. There are twelve focal points and each of these points is identified with a Sanskrit vowel. The study based on the vowels becomes too elaborate and hence dispensed with in this discussion. Only practical applications have been taken for discussions. These focal points are located in different parts of human body. These areas roughly represent the chakras (psychic- mystical centres). Following are the twelve centres. 1. Organs of procreation (marginally away from the perineum). 2. Muladhara chakra. 3. Svadishtan chakra. 4. Manipuraka chakra or naval chakra. 5. Heart chakra or anahat. 6. Visudhi chakra or throat chakra. 7. Palate (through a cavity in the upper palate, the kundalini moves upwards.) 8. The third eye or ajna chakra. 9. Lalata, the central point of the forehead. (This is above the ajna chakra.) 10. Brahmarandra, an orifice at the top of the head. The area in which this orifice is situated is sahasrara. 11. Shakthi, the out of body energy. This exists outside the gross body and finally 12. Vyapini. This is where the spiritual journey ends. At this stage, the man is not different from the Supreme Creator, Shiva or Bhairava. When one is able to fix his consciousness on these twelve places by moving his kundalini from perineum and merging it with the cosmos that exists outside gross body, he merges with Shiva, the Supreme. This happens in fifth stage of consciousness known as turyatita. The procedure for awakening and moving the kundalini has already been dealt with in an elaborate manner.
Most of the terms used here have already been discussed. Please use the search engine ‘manblunder search’ at the top of this site to know more details.
Further Readings:
Vijnana Bhairava Tantra- Part 5
May 15, 2015 04:28 PM
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May 15, 2015 07:44 PM
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