kākinī (svādhiṣṭhāna cakra) [काकिनी (स्वाधिष्ठानचक्र)] -

The below Kākinī mantra should be recited with the focus on the sacral (svādhiṣṭhāna) cakra –

aim̐ hrīm̐ śrīm̐ kām̐ kīm̐ kūm̐ kamalavarayūm̐ kākinī mām rakṣa rakṣa mama medodhātuṃ rakṣa rakṣa sarvasattvavaśaṃkari āgacchāgaccha imāṃ gṛhṇa gṛhṇa aim̐ aghore hrīm̐ saḥ paramaghore hum̐ ghorarūpe ehyehi namaścāmuṇḍe ḍa ra la ka sa haim̐ śrīmahātripurasundari devi vicce devi bam̐ bham̐ mam̐ yam̐ ram̐ lam̐ svādhiṣṭhāna pīṭhasthe svādhiṣṭhāna kākini svādhiṣṭhānanātha devi yugma pādukābhyo namaḥ ।

ऐँ ह्रीँ श्रीँ काँ कीँ कूँ कमलवरयूँ काकिनी माम् रक्ष रक्ष मम मेदोधातुं रक्ष रक्ष सर्वसत्त्ववशंकरि आगच्छागच्छ इमां गृह्ण गृह्ण ऐँ अघोरे ह्रीँ सः परमघोरे हुँ घोररूपे एह्येहि नमश्चामुण्डे ड र ल क स हैँ श्रीमहात्रिपुरसुन्दरि देवि विच्चे देवि बँ भँ मँ यँ रँ लँ स्वाधिष्ठान पीठस्थे स्वाधिष्ठान काकिनि स्वाधिष्ठाननाथ देवि युग्म पादुकाभ्यो नमः ।

Meaning -  The bīja mantras aim̐, hrīm̐ and śrīm̐ provide knowledge, power, status, elevation and abundant wealth. Likewise, the bīja mantras kām̐, kīm̐ and kūm̐, grant the ability to overcome the numerous triads, gain spiritual awareness, knowledge of the secrets of Creation and protection from all negative influences. The bīja-s kamalavarayūm̐ represent control over all natural elements and a mighty resolve to dispel all karmas and ascend spiritually, with the blessings of the Divine Yogini Kākinī devi. May the Divine Mother Yogini Kākinī devi, who is extremely frightful in appearance, come to us and provide complete protection and entice the eternal Truth to pervade our mind and consciousness. May our body fat, mind and intellect, be infused and recharged with the zeal to pursue our goals and ascend spiritually. May the bīja-s aim̐, hrīm̐ and saḥ, provide knowledge, enhance our spiritual pursuits and increase compassion in us. May the duality destroying Divine Mother Cāmuṇḍa devi come closer to us and provide us the knowledge leading to self-realization and liberation. The bīja-s ḍaralakasa and haim̐, represented by the seven yoginis - Ḍākini, Rākini, Lākini, Kākini, Sākini, Hākini and Yākini, provide control over our emotions, cleanse our karmas and lead us to self-realization and liberation. May the Divine Mother Śrī mahātripurasundari devi who is the dynamic super-consciousness pardon our karmas and lead us to liberation. The bīja-s bam̐, bham̐, mam̐, yam̐, ram̐ and lam̐ remove all bondage, grant auspiciousness, magical siddhi-s and powers, wish fulfillment, grant us the discerning knowledge to free us from all karmas and attachments spawned upon by the cosmic illusion - māyā, destruction of negativities, gain control of senses, removal of all impurities, gain contentment and establish our identity with the Supreme Self. Salutations to the Divine Mother Yogini Kākini devi, who rules the sacral svādhiṣṭhāna cakra and may all the mātṛkā bīja-s from ḍam̐ to pham̐, be meditated upon on all the ten petals of the lotus associated with the sacral cakra. Salutations to the Divine Yogini Kākini devi. May She energize our navel cakra, infuse joy, well-being, rejuvenate our zeal and spiritual appetite and lead us to salvation. Salutations to the holy feet of the Divine Mother Śrī Mahātripurasundari devi.

Nyāsā in the ten petalled lotus of the svādhiṣṭhāna (sacral) cakra.






bam̐ bandhinyai namaḥ

बँ बन्धिन्यै नमः

Salutations to Bandhinī devi, who signifies the removal of all bondage leading us towards self-realization and ultimate liberation.


bham̐ bhadrakālyai namaḥ

भँ भद्रकाल्यै नमः

Salutations to Bhadrakālī devi, who signifies the destruction of all negativity, evil spirits and heralds the beginning of auspicious and fortuitous time.


mam̐ mahāmāyai namaḥ

मँ महामायै नमः

Salutations to Mahāmāyā devi, who signifies the great cosmic illusion and its secrets. She helps us realize our true inner Self and leads us towards liberation.


yam̐ yaśasvinyai namaḥ

यँ यशस्विन्यै नमः

Salutations to Yaśasvinī devi, who represents immense glory and the awakening of the spiritual glow – Ājñā cakra. She heralds the flood of knowledge, light and the realization of a complete new self within us.


ram̐ raktāyai namaḥ

रँ रक्तायै नमः

Salutations to Raktā devi, who represents cleansing of the soul and depleting all negativities. She also generates a new zeal and drive in us, to accomplish higher spiritual pursuits leading us towards liberation. She provides vāk siddhi or the power to make words come true.


lam̐ lamboṣṭhikāyai namaḥ

लँ लम्बोष्ठिकायै नमः

Salutations to Lamboṣṭhī devi, who represents great power of attraction and mesmerism. She also leads us to the non-dual state of knowing and being IT.


iti kākinyādi yogini mātṛkā viśeṣa nyāsaḥ

इति काकिन्यादि योगिनि मातृका विशेष न्यासः


dhyānam (ध्यानम्) -

svādhiṣṭhānākhya padme rasadala lasite veda-vaktrāṃ tri-netrāṃ pītābhāṃ dhārayantīṃ triśikha guṇa-kapāl-ābhayānyāt tagarvām ।

madodhātu praviṣṭāṃ madhu-madam-uditāṃ bandhinī pūrva-śaktyāvītāṃ dadhyanna-saktām-abhimata phaladāṃ kākinīṃ bhāvayettām ॥

स्वाधिष्ठानाख्य पद्मे रसदल लसिते वेदवक्त्रां त्रिनेत्रां पीताभां धारयन्तीं त्रिशिख गुणकपालाभयान्यात् तगर्वाम् ।

मदोधातु प्रविष्टां मधुमदमुदितां बन्धिनी पूर्वशक्त्यावीतां दध्यन्नसक्तामभिमत फलदां काकिनीं भावयेत्ताम् ॥

Meaning:- Salutations to the yogini Kākinī devi, who is located as the six petalled lotus – svādhiṣṭhāna (sacral) cakra, bearing each of the Sanskrit consonant mātṛkā-s from bam̐ to lam̐ on each of the petals. She is yellow in complexion and terrific in appearance. She is three-eyed (awakened ājñā – third eye cakra) each of which, are emitting lightning rays showing the path to the Divinity in all the three realms. She is four headed signifying the four vedas, the essence of which needs to be studied, to progress on the path to Divinity. She is holding a trident to pierce all the triads and lead us to the eternal Truth, a noose to bring us back to the spiritual path as and when we stray away from it, a skull cup with blood to indicate the brain and Her role in the act of Creation, an abhaya mudra to ally all our fears. She prides over the entire Creation and Her role in it. She pervades the fat in the bodies of all beings. She is surrounded by the mātṛkā śaktī-s from Bandhini to Lamboṣṭhi devi in the six petalled lotus represented by the bīja-s bam̐ to lam̐. She releases us from all bondage and the limitations of the cosmic illusion māyā and leads us towards liberation. She also represents the water (jala) element. She relishes honey, curd rice and spirituous liquor. She confers all wishes and blesses us with fulfillment of all desires. Salutations to the wonderful Yogini Kākinī devi, on whom we meditate for the activation of the sacral cakra. She should be meditated upon with all the surrounding mātṛkā śaktī-s with their weapons, in the six petals of the svādhiṣṭhāna cakra.