Yākinī (sahasrāra yoni maṇḍala) [याकिनी (सहस्रार योनि मण्डल)] -

The below Yākinī mantra should be recited with the focus on the crown sahasrāra gateway –

aim̐ hrīm̐ śrīm̐ yām̐ yīm̐ yūm̐ yamalavara yūm̐ yākinī māṃ rakṣa rakṣa śukladhātuṃ rakṣa rakṣa mama sarvasattva vaśaṃkari devyāgacchāgaccha imāṃ pūjāṃ gṛhṇa gṛhṇa aim̐ aghore hrīm̐ saḥ paramaghore hum̐ ghorarūpe ehyehi namaścāmuṇḍe ḍaralakasahaim̐ śrīmahātripurasundari devi vicce devi am̐ ām̐ im̐ īm̐ um̐ ūm̐ ṛm̐ ṝm̐ ḷm̐ ḹm̐ em̐ aim̐ om̐ aum̐ am̐ aḥ kam̐ kham̐ gam̐ gham̐ ṅm̐ cam̐ cam̐ jam̐ jham̐ ñm̐ ṭam̐ ṭham̐ ḍam̐ ḍham̐ ṇam̐ tam̐ tham̐ dam̐ dham̐ nam̐ pam̐ pham̐ bam̐ bham̐ mam̐ yam̐ ram̐ lam̐ vam̐ śam̐ ṣam̐ sam̐ ham̐ kṣam̐ brahmarandhra pīṭhasthe brahmarandhra yākinī brahmarandhranātha devi yugma pādukābhyo namaḥ ।

ऐँ ह्रीँ श्रीँ याँ यीँ यूँ यमलवर यूँ याकिनी मां रक्ष रक्ष शुक्लधातुं रक्ष रक्ष मम सर्वसत्त्व वशंकरि देव्यागच्छागच्छ इमां पूजां गृह्ण गृह्ण ऐँ अघोरे ह्रीँ सः परमघोरे हुँ घोररूपे एह्येहि नमश्चामुण्डे डरलकसहैँ श्रीमहात्रिपुरसुन्दरि देवि विच्चे देवि अँ आँ इँ ईँ उँ ऊँ ऋँ ॠँ ऌँ ॡँ एँ ऐँ ओँ औँ अँ अः कँ खँ गँ घँ ङ्ँ चँ चँ जँ झँ ञ्ँ टँ ठँ डँ ढँ णँ तँ थँ दँ धँ नँ पँ फँ बँ भँ मँ यँ रँ लँ वँ शँ षँ सँ हँ क्षँ ब्रह्मरन्ध्र पीठस्थे ब्रह्मरन्ध्र याकिनी ब्रह्मरन्ध्रनाथ देवि युग्म पादुकाभ्यो नमः ।

Meaning -  The bīja mantras aim̐, hrīm̐ and śrīm̐ provide knowledge, power, status, elevation and abundant wealth. Likewise, the bīja mantras yām̐, yīm̐ and yūm̐, grant us the complete knowledge of the entire Creation and all its secrets leading to liberation and keep us merged in the Divine at all times. Protection is provided against all influences detrimental to us. The bīja-s yamalavarayūm̐ represent control over all natural elements and a mighty resolve to dispel all karmas and ascend spiritually, with the blessings of the Divine Yogini Yākinī devi. May the Divine Mother Yogini Yākinī Devi, who is extremely frightful in appearance, come to us and provide complete protection and entice the eternal Truth to pervade our mind and consciousness. May the bodily and reproductive fluids, be infused and recharged with the zeal to pursue our goals and ascend spiritually. May the bīja-s aim̐, hrīm̐ and saḥ, provide knowledge, enhance our spiritual pursuits and increase compassion in us. May the duality destroying Divine Mother Cāmuṇḍa devi come closer to us and provide us the knowledge, leading to self-realization and liberation. The bīja-s ḍaralakasa and haim̐, represented by the seven yoginis - Ḍākini, Rākini, Lākini, Kākini, Sākini, Hākini and Yākini, provide control over our emotions, cleanse our karmas and lead us to self-realization and liberation. May the Divine Mother Śrī mahātripurasundari devi who is the dynamic super-consciousness pardon our karmas and lead us to liberation. The bīja-s am̐ to kṣam̐ grant the secrets of the entire Creation, fulfillment of all wishes, cleansing of all karma, removal of all negativities, bestowment of all magical powers (siddhi-s), divine grace, contentment, vanquishment of all karmas and establishment of our permanent identity with the Supreme Self. Salutations to the Divine Mother Yogini Yākini devi, who rules the crown sahasrāra gateway. May the mātṛkā bīja-s am̐ to kṣam̐, be meditated upon on the thousand petals of the lotus associated with the crown gateway. Salutations to the Divine Yogini Yākini devi. May She energize our sahasrāra, infuse immense resolve, stability and support, rejuvenate our zeal and spiritual appetite and lead us to salvation. Salutations to the holy feet of the Divine Mother Śrī Mahātripurasundari devi.

Nyāsā in the thousand petalled lotus of the sahasrāra (crown) gateway.






am̐ amṛtāyai namaḥ

अँ अमृतायै नमः ।

Salutations to Amṛtā devi, who represents Creation and symbolizes the spiritual nectar that precedes the complete awakening of the Kuṇḍalini. She is also the source of all other energies. She promotes detachment and progress towards spiritual emancipation.


ām̐ ākarṣiṇyai namaḥ

आँ आकर्षिण्यै नमः

Salutations to Ākarṣiṇi devi, who represents a doube ‘a’, which is both Śiva and Śakti. She therefore represents the devolution of the Supreme Being into the five aspects of Creation (Brahma), Preservation (Viṣṇu), Destruction (Rudra), Annihilation (īśvara) and Resurrection (Sadāśiva).


im̐ indrāṇyai namaḥ

इँ इन्द्राण्यै नमः

Salutations to Indrāṇi devi, who represents the power of overcoming jealousy, passion and wrath. She is the grantor of all wishes and bestows enjoyment and liberation to the devotee. She is the iccha śakti and represents all the wishes.


īm̐ īśānyai namaḥ

ईँ ईशान्यै नमः

Salutations to Īśāni devi, who signifies the richness of divine perfection and is the Kāmakalā and Turiyā bīja. She is the grantor of spiritual liberation and represents both the static and dynamic aspects of the super-consciousness.


um̐ umāyai namaḥ

उँ उमायै नमः

Salutations to Umā devi, who signifies great power and strength, as well as tender motherly love, care and unstinted devotion. She is destroyer of all evil and is fiercely aggressive in achieving the objectives. The bīja fulfills all the four coveted desires – virtue (dharma), wealth and prosperity (artha), worldly desires (kāma) and finally liberation (mokṣa).


ūm̐ ūrdhvakeśyai namaḥ

ऊँ ऊर्ध्वकेश्यै नमः

Salutations to Ūrdhvakeśī devi, who signifies great excellence and greatness. Literally, She signifies the hair’s end, meaning the epitome of power. Spiritually, the bīja is associated with the rise of the Kuṇḍalini energy.


ṛm̐ ṛddhidāyai namaḥ

ऋँ ऋद्धिदायै नमः

Salutations to Ṛddhidāyī devi, who is the goddess of everlasting Truth. She represents revelation and true dharma (virtues), as well as pure bliss.


ṝm̐ ṝkāryai namaḥ

ॠँ ॠकार्यै नमः

Salutations to Ṝkārā devi, who represents the mindless state of consciousness. The realization of one’s own true self, beyond all distractions of the mind. She is the void of the fullness and the plentitude of the being.


ḷm̐ ḷkāryai namaḥ

ऌँ ऌकार्यै नमः

Salutations to Ḷkārā devi, who represents the stability of the void and the blissful state of liberation and the culmination of all triads into the singular reality.


ḹm̐ ḹkāryai namaḥ

ॡँ ॡकार्यै नमः

Salutations to Ḹkārā devi, who represents the complete dissolution of the mind and the attainment of liberation. She is the blissful void in a state of perfect stability.


em̐ ekapadāyai namaḥ

एँ एकपदायै नमः

Salutations to Ekapadā devi, who represents all the triads that make up the Creation, such as the śakti-s (powers) icchā (desire), kriyā (action) and jñāna (wisdom) etc. Is is also the yoni bīja representing Creation, Sustenance and Destruction and all other triads.


aim̐ aiśvaryātmikāyai namaḥ

ऐँ ऐश्वर्यात्मिकायै नमः

Salutations to Aiśvaryātmikā devi, who represents abundance of fortune, not just in material terms but also in spiritual aspects. This is also the Sarasvatī bīja representing knowledge and all arts.


om̐ oṅkārāyai namaḥ

ओँ ओङ्कारायै नमः

Salutations to Oṃkārā devi, who represents the ever pure word and is simply consciousness descended in the form of sound. It is the primordial sound that has emanated from the Super-consciousness.


aum̐ auṣadhyai namaḥ

औँ औषध्यै नमः

Salutations to Auṣadhātmikā devi, who represents the curative power of medicine and promotes healing.


am̐ ambikāyai namaḥ

अँ अम्बिकायै नमः

Salutations to Aṃbikā devi, who is the universal mother of the entire Creation. She is the unblemished one and signifies completion and fulfillment. This letter is anusvarā or simply bindu (dot), the singular reality and is also a representation of the fulfillment of all desires.


aḥ akṣarāyai namaḥ

अः अक्षरायै नमः

Salutations to Aḥkṣarā devi, who is the constant, eternal and unalterable reality. She is the unborn Brahman or super-consciousness. This letter is visarga and represents culmination and ecstasy in all its forms.


kam̐ kālarātryai namaḥ

कँ कालरात्र्यै नमः

Salutations to Kālarātri devi, who represents victory, desire (kāma), wealth (artha), as well as justice (dharma). She represents the triple śaktis of icchā (desire), jñāna (knowledge) and kriyā (action).


kham̐ khaṇḍitāyai namaḥ

खँ खण्डितायै नमः

Salutations to Khaṇḍitā devi, who represents victory, desire (kāma), wealth (artha), as well as justice (dharma). She represents the triple śaktis of icchā (desire), jñāna (knowledge) and kriyā (action).


gam̐ gāyatryai namaḥ

गँ गायत्र्यै नमः

Salutations to Gāyatrī devi, who represents clarity of the discerning knowledge, direct vision and eternal wisdom, masked by delusion. This is also the Gaṇapati/Gaṇeśa bīja (seed) mantra representing the same aspect as well as removal of all obstacles towards progress. It also represents the great Kuṇḍalini or the latent energy at the bottom of the spine.


gham̐ ghaṇṭākarṣiṇyai namaḥ

घँ घण्टाकर्षिण्यै नमः

Salutations to Ghaṇṭākarṣiṇī Vārāhī devi, who represents sound and is the banisher of all enemies, internal and external. It is the subtle sound that manifests the energy to dispel all inimical forces. She is the karma cleanser who expels the karmas from the physical, astral and causal bodies.


ṅam̐ ṅārṇāyai namaḥ

ङँ ङार्णायै नमः

Salutations to Ṅārnā devi, who represents growth and complete development. She signifies identification with the True Self and not with the individual body and mind.


cam̐ caṇḍāyai namaḥ

चँ चण्डायै नमः

Salutations to Caṇḍikā devi, who signifies destruction of evil and spread of love and compassion. The awakening of the Kuṇḍalini and its rise is signified.


cham̐ chāyāyai namaḥ

छँ छायायै नमः

Salutations to Chāyārta (Chāyā) devi, who signifies arising from the shadowy depths of the material world to discover the pure spiritual reality that represents us.


jam̐ jayāyai namaḥ

जँ जयायै नमः

Salutations to Jayādevi devi, who signifies victory and is also the giver of fortune. Further, She can provide the experience of Divine bliss for those leading a worldly life as well. In addition, She is unrivalled in dispelling black magic.


jham̐ jhaṅkāriṇyai namaḥ

झँ झङ्कारिण्यै नमः

Salutations to Jhaṅkāriṇī devi, who represents a balance amongst material and spiritual desires. She allows a free movement between the base Mūlādhāra cakra representing the Earth element and the sacral Svādhiṣṭhāna cakra representing water.


ñam̐ jñānarūpāyai namaḥ

ञँ ज्ञानरूपायै नमः

Salutations to Jñānarūpā devi, who represents true knowledge of the Self and the realization that we are not this body and mind. She finally liberates us.


ṭam̐ ṭaṅkahastāyai namaḥ

टँ टङ्कहस्तायै नमः

Salutations to Ṭaṅkahastā devi, who represents the sustenance of the physical, astral and causal bodies. She also lifts the Kuṇḍalini to the Maṇipūra cakra and lights the flame of the spiritual transformation. At the physical level, courage is signified. She’s also the curer of all diseases.


ṭham̐ ṭhaṅkāriṇyai namaḥ

ठँ ठङ्कारिण्यै नमः

Salutations to Ṭhaṅkāriṇī devi, who represents the destruction of all types of affliction through knowledge and action.


ḍam̐ ḍāmaryai namaḥ

डँ डामर्यै नमः

Salutations to Ḍamarī devi, who signifies control over all the five senses, removal of all poisonous and harmful elements in the body and the expulsion of negativity from within us.


ḍham̐ ḍhaṅkāriṇyai namaḥ

ढँ ढङ्कारिण्यै नमः

Salutations to Ḍhaṅkāriṇī devi, who signifies spiritual enlightenment as well as abundant wealth, both spiritual and material. She also grants the power to exhibit divine splendor from within.


ṇam̐ ṇārṇāyai namaḥ

णँ णार्णायै नमः

Salutations to Ṇārnā devi, who signifies granting of all magical siddhis as well as spiritual enlightenment.


tam̐ tāmasyai namaḥ

तँ तामस्यै नमः

Salutations to Tāmasya devi, who signifies the expulsion of all darkness, hatred, jealously and other vices and ushering in compassion and true unconditional love. She is also the giver of fortune. She takes up the Kuṇḍalini to the Anāhata cakra.


tham̐ sthāṇvyai namaḥ

थँ स्थाण्व्यै नमः

Salutations to Sthāṇvi devi, who signifies attaining all virtues and leading a moralistic life. She grants the ability to fearlessly withstand any evil, as well the power to maintain calm and composure, in distressing circumstances.


dam̐ dākṣāyaṇyai namaḥ

दँ दाक्षायण्यै नमः

Salutations to Dākṣāyaṇī devi, who signifies great power, wealth, authority, good fortune and immense happiness. She also grants immense contentment, so that one does not get fully overcome by greed, to pursue much more material wealth than what’s already granted in abundance and instead focus on the spiritual realms.


dham̐ dhātryai namaḥ

धँ धात्र्यै नमः

Salutations to Dhattayā devi, who signifies removal of all impurities and is also the curer of all deadly diseases.


nam̐ nāryai namaḥ

नँ नार्यै नमः

Salutations to Nāryā Devi, who signifies liberation or mokṣā. She reveals our true Self.


pam̐ pārvatyai namaḥ

पँ पार्वत्यै नमः

Salutations to Pārvatī devi, who represents will power, endurance and great strength, both physical and mental. Her power remains stable and gives one immense confidence and success in all endeavors.


pham̐ phaṭkāriṇyai namaḥ

फँ फट्कारिण्यै नमः

Salutations to Phaṭkāriṇī devi, who represents freedom from all worries and negativities. She’s also the giver of all siddhis or magical powers.


bam̐ bandhinyai namaḥ

बँ बन्धिन्यै नमः

Salutations to Bandhinī devi, who signifies the removal of all bondage leading us towards self-realization and ultimate liberation.


bham̐ bhadrakālyai namaḥ

भँ भद्रकाल्यै नमः

Salutations to Bhadrakālī devi, who signifies the destruction of all negativity, evil spirits and heralds the beginning of auspicious and fortuitous time.


mam̐ mahāmāyāyai namaḥ

मँ महामायायै नमः

Salutations to Mahāmāyā devi, who signifies the great cosmic illusion and its secrets. She helps us realize our true inner Self and leads us towards liberation.


yam̐ yaśasvinyai namaḥ

यँ यशस्विन्यै नमः

Salutations to Yaśasvinī devi, who represents immense glory and the awakening of the spiritual glow – Ājñā cakra. She heralds the flood of knowledge, light and the realization of a complete new self within us.


ram̐ raktāyai namaḥ

रँ रक्तायै नमः

Salutations to Raktā devi, who represents cleansing of the soul and depleting all negativities. She also generates a new zeal and drive in us, to accomplish higher spiritual pursuits leading us towards liberation. She provides vāk siddhi or the power to make words come true.


lam̐ lamboṣṭhyai namaḥ

लँ लम्बोष्ठ्यै नमः

Salutations to Lamboṣṭhī devi, who represents great power of attraction and mesmerism. She also leads us to the non-dual state of knowing and being IT.


vam̐ varadāyai namaḥ

वँ वरदायै नमः

Salutations to Varadā devi, who represents wish fulfillment and auspicious, favorable outcomes of all endeavors.


śam̐ śriyai namaḥ

शँ श्रियै नमः

Salutations to Śrī devī, who auspiciousness and the sum total of all material and spiritual wealth. She grants us immense spiritual and material wealth and takes care of all our comforts and ultimately liberates us.


ṣam̐ ṣaṇḍāyai namaḥ

षँ षण्डायै नमः

Salutations to Ṣaṇḍā devi, who represents selfless service to the Divine and She is the giver of all fruitful results. She also grants us the non-dual state of knowing and being.


sam̐ sarasvatyai namaḥ

सँ सरस्वत्यै नमः

Salutations to Sarasvatī devi, who represents arts, knowledge and wisdom and is also the cause of all Creation. She grants success in all accomplishments and fulfills life’s very purpose of liberation.


ham̐ hamsavatyai namaḥ

हँ हम्सवत्यै नमः

Salutations to Haṃsavatī devi, who represents the True Self and the aspect of attaining liberation and merger with IT. This is the last bīja in the word ‘aham’ representing the ego or the individual self, beginning with ‘a’, the creation and ending with ‘ham’ the liberation and merging with the True Self.


kṣam̐ kṣamāvatyai namaḥ

क्षँ क्षमावत्यै नमः

Salutations to Kṣamāvatī devi, who represents the dissolution of all karmas through the Divine grace and pardon. She leads and grants us liberation. The complete energization of the Ājñā and the Sahasrāra cakras is realized at this point.


iti yākinyādi yogini mātṛkā viśeṣa nyāsaḥ

इति याकिन्यादि योगिनि मातृका विशेष न्यासः


dhyānam (ध्यानम् ) -

muṇḍaṃ vyomastha padme sakala-dala-yute yākinīṃ tāṃ yakṣiṇyārūpāṃ samastāyudha lasitakarāṃ sarvavarṇāṃ samaṣṭim ।

ḍādīnām sarva-vaktāṃ sakala-sukhakarīṃ sarvadhātu svarūpāṃ sarvānne saktacittāṃ sakalasuranutāṃ bhāvayet sarvarūpām ॥

मुण्डं व्योमस्थ पद्मे सकलदलयुते याकिनीं तां यक्षिण्यारूपां समस्तायुध लसितकरां सर्ववर्णां समष्टिम् ।

डादीनाम् सर्ववक्तां सकलसुखकरीं सर्वधातु स्वरूपां सर्वान्ने सक्तचित्तां सकलसुरनुतां भावयेत् सर्वरूपाम् ॥

Salutations to the yogini Yākinī devi, who is located as the thousand petalled lotus – sahasrāra (crown) gateway, bearing each of the Sanskrit consonant mātṛkā-s am̐ to kṣam̐ on each of the petals in multiple layers. She is of multiple complexions and represents all colors and is also terrific and clean shaven at the top, by appearance. She is infinite headed signifying the super-consciousness Itself. She is holding every possible weapon that is prevalent in the entire Creation and constitutes the garland of letters representing all the mātṛkā-s and every knowledge that there is to be known and experienced. She pervades the bodily and reproductive essence in the bodies of all beings. She is surrounded by the mātṛkā śaktī-s Amṛtā to Kṣamāvati devi in the thousand petalled lotus represented by the bīja-s am̐ to kṣam̐ on multiple layers. She reveals all the secrets of the Creation, fulfills wishes, removes negativities, vanquishes all our karmas, grants pardon and grants us complete liberation. She relishes all types of food. She is prayed to, by all the celestials. Salutations to the wonderful Yogini Yākinī devi on whom we meditate for the activation of the Sahasrāra (crown) gateway. She should be meditated upon with all the surrounding mātṛkā śaktī-s with their weapons, in the thousand petals of the Sahasrāra (crown) gateway.