346. Padmanābhaḥ पद्मनाभः
Repetitive nāma-s 48 and 196.
It is said that the Soul resides in the heart. It is not the biological heart, but it is the heart cakra, which appears like a lotus flower. Since Lord Viṣṇu, resides there merely witnessing all the activities of the gross body, He is addressed as Padmanābha.
347. Aravindākṣaḥ अरविन्दाक्षः
His eyes appear like lotus flower. There is significance for comparing eyes of Gods to lotus flowers. Since the petals of a lotus flower are wide, eyes of Gods are also wide so that they can view many things at a time. It is only the poetic interpretation of the beauty of His eyes.
348. Padmagarbhaḥ पद्मगर्भः
Padmagarbha refers to the interior of a lotus flower. Nāma 346 described the seat of the Soul and this nāma describes the Soul itself. The Soul is embedded deep within. Chāndogya Upaniṣad (VIII.1) explains this. It says, “This body is the city of Brahman. Within it is an abode in the shape of a lotus (heart) and within that there is a small space. One must search within this space and earnestly desire to know what is there.” This is known as Self-realization.
349. Śarīrabhṛt शरीरभृत्
When the Soul is endowed with a body It is called Śarīrabhṛit. By being present within the body, the Soul sustains and nourishes the body. This does not mean that the Soul directly nourishes and sustains. By Its mere presence, the body is being nourished by food, water and air. If it is said that He nourishes the body, then it makes the Soul as the Saguṇa Brahman or Brahman with attributes. Only māyā is Saguṇa Brahman. Soul is Nirguṇa Brahman.
350. Maharddhiḥ महर्द्धिः
He is the possessor of great wealth and also a perfectionist. Generally wealth and perfectionism do not go together. Because He being a perfectionist, all the gods and goddesses perform their duties out of fear for Him, carry out their duties meticulously. If any of the gods err even marginally, the universe will be annihilated.
Kaṭha Upaniṣad (II.iii.3) says, “From fear of Brahman, fire gives heat, the sun shines, Indra, Vāyu and Yama do their duties.” He is such a perfectionist. Taittirīya Upaniṣad (II.1) says that He nourishes the universe by producing the elements and finally the food that helps all the beings to sustain.
351. ṛddhaḥ ऋद्धः
Repetitive nāma 278.
He is the one who has conclusively demonstrated that He is the Brahman. He demonstrates this by His various actions and unique leadership. He commands respect. In spite of all His acts, He Himself does not take credit. He gives the entire credit to Māyā, His very own creation. Both Brahman and Māyā are not different. His concealing and projecting power is known as Māyā
352. Vṛddhātmā वृद्धात्मा
Vṛddha means old and this nāma says that He is oldest Soul. It is the poetic way of expressing that He is oldest in the universe and from Him alone, everything originated. Puruṣasūkta says that He was born much ahead of all gods.
First He alone was present and when He wanted to create the universe, He created māyā who becomes the cause for the manifestation of the universe.
353. Mahākṣaḥ महाक्षः
His eyes are being described as great, because they are wide and look like lotus flowers. They are great because, they can see the entire universe at the same time, in contrast to the human eyes, whose of vision is limited.
354. Garuḍadhvajaḥ गरुडध्वजः
Garuḍa is His vehicle, often known as the mythical bird and dhvaja means flag. Generally flags are fixed in the chariots of kings. It is like national flag. Garuḍa has brilliant lustre, which made gods and goddesses frightened. He can fly in any height.
Narasimha Sumanth
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