445. Yajñaḥ यज्ञः
He is the One, who receives all prayers and oblations, which confirm His Ultimate status and authority. Yajña means sacrifice and every sacrifice is offered to Him.
Taittirīya Saṁhitā (Kṛṣṇa Yajur Veda – I.7.4.8) explains this. It says, “By sacrifice to God Viṣṇu, I attain health, wealth and security. Viṣṇu is yajña.” It is Viṣṇu who presides over all yajña-s. Hence, Veda says that Viṣṇu is yajña (यज्ञो वै विष्णुः yajño vai viṣṇuḥ).
Kṛṣṇa says in Bhagavad Gītā (IX.16), “ahaṁ kratuḥ ahaṁ yajñaḥ” which means ‘I am the Vedic ritual, I am the sacrifice.’
Again, Kṛṣṇa says (IX.27), “Whatever you do, whatever you eat, whatever you offer as oblation to the sacred fire, whatever you bestow as gift, whatever you do by way of penance, offer it all to Me.”
446. Ijyaḥ इज्यः
After having said that He is the One who receives all sacrifices, this nāma says that He is worthy of such sacrifices. This subtly conveys that He is the Brahman. Sacrifices can be offered only to the Brahman, the Supreme.
447. Mahejyaḥ महेज्यः
This again confirms His status as the Brahman. This nāma says that He alone is worshipped by everyone including gods and goddesses. Everyone worships Him, as He alone is capable of offering final liberation. Mah means honour and reverence.
448. Kratuḥ क्रतुः
Kratu has several meanings such as plan, design, intention, power, ability, etc. He is the embodiment of all such qualities.
Kṛṣṇa says in Bhagavad Gītā (IX.16), “ahaṁ kratuḥ” which means ‘I am Vedic ritual’. Contextually, kratu means Vedic rituals. He is not only in the form of Vedas and yajna-s, but also every minute details of Vedic rituals. This goes to prove His omnipresence.
449. Sattram सत्त्रम्
Sattra is a part of Soma sacrifice lasting between 13 to 100 days and participated by many Vedic scholars. This explanation is in accordance with sequence of the previous nāma-s. Sattra also means refuge or abode. Brahman is the refuge and abode of all the beings.
This is explained in Bhagavad Gītā (IV.24), which says, “In the practice of seeing Brahman everywhere as a form of sacrifice, Brahman is the ladle, Brahman is the oblation, Brahman is the fire, Brahman is the sacrifice, Brahman constitutes the act of pouring the oblation into the fire and finally the Brahman is the goal to be reached by him (aspirant) who is absorbed in Brahman as the act of such sacrifice.” Thus Kṛṣṇa conclusively establishes the omnipresence of the Brahman.
(Note: the text says “Satram or सत्रम् and not Sattram सत्त्रम्.)
450. Satāmgatiḥ सताम्गतिः
Repetitive nāma 184.
He is the Ultimate and men surrender unto Him to attain liberation. He alone is capable of offering liberation.
The thought of liberation will arise only if one’s karmic account permits the final liberation. Accumulation of karmas depends upon one’s thought process and consequent actions. Evil thoughts are the root cause of all evil actions. Hence it is said that liberation can be attained only through a pure mind.
451. Sarvadarśī सर्वदर्शी
He is able to watch all the actions that unfold in the universe at the same time. Because He is omnipresent, He is able to watch all the actions at the same time.
This nāma can be explained in another way. Since He remains as the Soul in all the beings witnessing the activities of the physical body and at the same time not partaking in any of the actions of the individual concerned, He is worshipped as Sarvadarśī.
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