“The fourth sheath or kosha is vijnanamaya kosha, also known as the sheath of knowledge. Buddhi in association with organs of knowledge form vijnanamaya kosha. This is the main reason for transmigration. Jīva is the reflection of the Self and with this jīva, vijñāna (the act of distinguishing or discerning, understanding, comprehending, recognizing, intelligence, knowledge, etc.) is closely associated. This is nothing but modification of prakṛti, which leads to “I am the knower” or “I am the doer”, etc. This causes attachment to the body and its indriya-s. This jīva is vijnanamaya kosha and is without beginning and is associated with ego. This carries karmas of previous births and makes us to good and bad actions and causes transmigration to undergo both pleasure and pain. The three stages of consciousness (active, dream and deep sleep) belong only to this jīva. vijnanamaya kosha is closer to the Self and therefore, it is illuminating. It is radiating the Light of the Self within. Those who identify this as the Self undergoes transmigration. (Jīva exists as vijnanamaya kosha associated with ego, etc. It shines because, it forms the immediate covering of the Self, which alone illumines).
“The self-effulgent Ātman or the Self shines in the midst of prāṇa-s. Though the Self is imperishable, due to superimposition of vijnanamaya kosha, vijnanamaya kosha is wrongly identified as the Self (as the effulgence of the Self percolates through vijnanamaya kosha). Take for example an earthen pot. Though clay is the source of the pot, still the pot and clay are different. The Self though pure and eternal, but due to superimpositions (all the kośa-s), appears as limited. Fire does not have any form. But fire appears in a form when iron rod is kept in fire; fire appears in the form hot and red iron rod.”
Now the disciple asks his Guru, “The Self has considered itself as jīva due to delusion or superimpositions. Whatever be the reason, superimposition is without beginning or end. Therefore, jīva will not have any end and transmigration will continue forever. How then the jīva will attain liberation? Please enlighten me on this.”
Guru explains. “Listen. Imagination caused by delusion can never be accepted as real. The sky appears as blue, but in reality sky is colourless. But for this delusion, the Self is always pure, formless and unattached like the sky without colour. Self is beyond guṇa-s and actions. It is all alone and ever exists as intellectual and blissful. It always remains only as a witness (actions appear only if there are guṇa-s). It is superimposed by delusion, and once the delusion has gone, you realize the Self. What is preventing you from realization is only delusion in conjunction with buddhi. The Self is perceived as the self only because of oscillating buddhi. Once the wrong perception goes away, there remains only the reality. You mistake a rope for snake. When you understand that it is not snake and it is only rope, what remains there? Only the rope, which alone is real. Reality always remains and the unreal vanish. Self is always real and eternal. Avidyā or nescience is without beginning (both the Self and avidyā exist from the beginning; but Self is eternal and avidyā is not). When one attains spiritual knowledge (vidyā), avidyā goes away, (like darkness going away after sunrise). It is like dreams going away after waking up.
“Even though avidyā is without beginning, it has an end. The Self superimposed by buddhi is not the real. It may shine because, the Self within is self-illuminating (Self alone is self-illuminating), but that is not the Self. Considering vijnanamaya kosha as the Self is due to falsified knowledge (snake and rope). The Self can be realized only after gaining true knowledge. You must know that the Self, self, soul, jīva and ātaman are one and the same. There is no individual soul and Supreme Soul and both are same. Due to ignorance, a man without spiritual knowledge and influenced by illusion considers them differently. When these sheaths or kośa-s are removed by understanding the truth through spiritual knowledge, Self is realized. When impure water is filtered, you get pure water. Similarly, when impurities arising out of ignorance are removed, we realize the pure Self. When impurities such as ego and pride are removed, one will understand that the self and the Self are the same (before gaining knowledge, Self is covered by māyā and appears as the self or individual soul). Thus vijnanamaya kosha is not the Self because it is not eternal (disappears after gaining knowledge). That is which is not eternal cannot be the Self. Only the Self alone is eternal.
“Now we are going to discuss the last of the five sheaths known as anandamaya kosha or the sheath of bliss. This is also nescience and captures the reflection of ever illumining Self. anandamaya kosha makes us to experience bliss. The Self is always in Blissful state and anandamaya kosha is so close to the Self, it also makes us to undergo happiness when good karmic imprints are experienced without any efforts. This is experienced by all of us during deep sleep. We can also realize its presence during dream and active states too (during active state because of karmic imprints). Again blissful sheath is also not the Self because it changes and not eternal. It depends upon one’s karmic account. Only the Self alone is eternal and without changes.
“Thus when all the five kośa-s are eliminated, what remains is the Self. It always acts as only a witness. Know that is the Self you are seeking.”
More related articles:
March 26, 2015 01:42 AM
Thank you
May 27, 2016 01:11 PM
Following text from Kaṭha Upaniṣad will explain this further.
Māyā is the active principle of Brahman. Nothing can happen without māyā, as it is nothing but the Power of Brahman. Brahman is hidden in all beings. The first action begins at buddhi. Mind is superior to sense objects. Buddhi is superior is mind and Brahman is superior to everything. Brahman does not act on His own. He always remains only as a witness. It is because of the sun we get rain, but sun always remains the same. Similarly, Brahman is always the same, but everything originates from Him, but not directly. The first action begins at buddhi in association with māyā. Self is beyond speech and thought; eyes cannot see It.
May 26, 2016 10:47 PM
Is this understanding correct, when an activity is performed say writing this question. Budddhi comes into play and constructs this sentence, when completed the ego says that this has been written properly by you, so ego is enforcing that buddhi is the Self, but it is not because the Self within is guiding this question and buddhi is wording it or the buddhi itself is doing this?
Anandamaya kosha here is refers to happiness that we derive from good karma or happiness arising from being with the self during meditation?
May 26, 2016 11:10 PM
Because of inherent ego, buddhi thinks that it is doing it. In fact, four kośa-s make us to act and these four kośa-s in conjunction with antaḥkaraṇa cause every action for which ego (part of antaḥkaraṇa) takes credit.
Here ānandamayakośa is not related to Bliss arising out of meditation - sat-cit-ānanda.
May 26, 2016 11:40 PM
So here physical body is writing this,prana is sustaining the body to write,mind has generated this question, buddhi is using intelligence and writing this and happiness is felt by mind for asking this question assuming this is a good question? So now the trigger for this question is the Self? Meaning self triggers a question to the mind and mind in turn is asking for buddhis help in turn it uses body and prana to draft this question to satisfy minds unrest, which gives mind happiness and ego the sense of credit for this question asked? Is this. Correct
May 27, 2016 10:20 AM
Everything originates because of the self. At the same time, self is inert and does not act. Because of the presence of the self, these organs act. Yes, trigger for the whole thing is the Self only and at the same time, it does not activate the mind or buddhi. They act according to the karmic impressions. Karmic impressions cannot manifest without the self. Self is like electricity. Switch is like organs of perception and action. The light of the bulb is the actions.
May 27, 2016 11:04 AM
So if I take the example of a daily activity say eating, then suppose the body sees the food, self triggers to eat it if hungry, which the mind may accept or reject it, at the same time if the body is eating too much the self will trigger stop, but again the mind and buddhi can accept or reject it. Hence at this point of time buddhi comes to a wrong conclusion that it is doing everything as it has the power to decide whether to do that activity or not, but forgetting that the initial trigger was given by the SELF without which any action or inaction would not have come up at all (this is ignorance which is explained above?)
Hence the initial trigger to any stimulus is given by Self to act on everything in ones life and the mind and buddhi acts or does not based on this trigger.
May 27, 2016 11:30 AM
Soul as such is not the trigger. When the soul is veiled by māyā, it becomes the trigger. But without the soul, nothing can happen. We cannot eat without soul, as without soul no body exists.
May 27, 2016 11:54 AM
Thank you GurujiLast question - so Soul acts as a trigger in Material life (since it covered by Maya), but when mind transcends maya (material life), then it is inert and silence.
May 27, 2016 12:50 PM
Yes, that is Self realization.
May 27, 2016 01:31 PM
So if Self is like sun, the energy coming out of Sun because of its shine is Maya which acts along with buddhi to create action? So understand that Sun is the cause of all and not the energy that is created by its shine or any other thing?
Sorry to ask so many questions
May 27, 2016 01:46 PM
Yes, perfect. Subsequent articles will dwell on this further.