Krishna says that Vedas are his words, which was first reveled to Brahma. Brahma taught Vedas to others. He further adds different people give different interpretations to Vedas depending upon their mind set and culture. He says that those who are attached to senses cannot enjoy His bliss. There may be his devotees who are not capable of overcoming their senses. Krishna says that He will destroy the sins of these devotees, just because of their devotion. He describes such devotees as those crying, who could not speak continuously due to overflowing emotion, dancing, weeping, shouting etc. Krishna is particularly averse about keeping company with women. He prescribes pranayama and chanting of OM.

Krishna says that He is the form of all living beings and that He is responsible for their birth, survival and death. Then He describes himself in various forms, a true depiction of Brahman. As a matter of we cannot find any comparison any where when He says that He is the best amongst various categories. He says that He can count the atoms and not his various manifestations. Krishna then goes on to compare the two out of the four yugas viz. Krita yuga and Treta yuga. I his opening remarks Krishna had dealt with Kali yuga. When a man goes to forest for penance, he should make arrangements for the safety of his wife and children. In case his wife wishes to accompany her him to forest, he can take her too. Krishna prohibiting various activities like bathing, brushing, shaving etc. says that man should perform havana with the aid of fire and other available grains in the forest. He then discloses various austerity measures one has to adopt and think only about Him. The realisation means not the theoretical knowledge but the actual experience.

Krishna also says that a sage enjoys Him through the knowledge thus obtained. He again and again points out that one has to control his sense organs and should not become a victim of maya. He also says that He is responsible for maya too. Anything connected with the three gunas are subject to birth, sustenance and death. Lord then proceeds to point out 12 virtues that give liberation or material gains as per one’s requirements. The highest charity says Krishna are giving up cruelty to living beings and giving up one’s desires. Except knowledge, dedication and faith nothing else can liberate a man. The human body is difficult to get. By realising this fact one must put in all out efforts to attain liberation says Krishna. He attaches importance to bhakthi and says it is the easiest way to reach Him. Ceremonies, austerities, charity and such other acts only strengthen one’s attachment to Him.

Krishna prefers mantras to Vedas. Not performing the ceremonies as prescribed in Vedas will be misunderstood by those, who have not crossed the initial stages. Vedas ultimately teach about Brahman within. One has to cross the initial stages by performing rituals and associated things prescribed by vedas to reach the final stage. But mantras do not prescribe any rituals except regular chanting. This is the reason for Krishna’s preference to mantras. Krishna says that he alone knows the reasoning for the rituals prescribed by the Vedas. He clarifies that prakrti (the source of objectivity) is the embodiment of the three gunas in equal proportion leading to birth, maintenance and death. Please note that we have already discussed about prakrti as vimarsha form, the form of shakthi. When prakrti (vimarsha) combines with purusha (prakasha) the universe (prakasha vimarsha maha maya swarupini) is formed says Krishna. (will be concluded in the next posting)

Further Readings:

Uddhava Gita

Duality An Illusion - Uddhava Gita