Sri Matangi Ashottara Shatanamavali (108 Names of Sri Matangi)

श्री मातंगी अष्टोत्तरा शतनामावली

The aṣṭottara śatanāmāvali (108 names) of śrī mātaṅgi is a treatise in itself, containing the very essence of the śrī mātaṅgi sahasranāma. All the benefits that can be accrued through reciting the sahasranāma, may also accrue through the aṣṭottara śatanāmāvali, if we can also meditate upon the meanings of each nāmā.

The aṣṭottara śatanāmāvali describes the key attributes of śrī mātaṅgi, spanning across the entire spectrum ranging from Her physical attributes to Her spiritual splendor described from the purānic accounts, tantric śāstrās, relationship with śrī vidyā, kuṇḍalini meditation and Her aspect as Brahman Itself!

She is the tantric form of Sarasvati (Saraswati) or Vāṇi, the goddess of Knowledge. From the nāmā-s, we see Her true form and splendor. Worshipping Her in majestic form and beauty, provides us with not only knowledge of what all we seek, but also that of the greatest spiritual secrets and the real knowledge of our own true form, that is, of pure consciousness Itself. She is also śrī lakṣmi, the bestower of all wealth, material and spiritual. She is śrī mātā Herself and is everything that exists! In a śrī vidyā parlance, She is śyāmala, the chief advisor of śrī Lalita. She and śrī Vārāhi, are the closest to śrī Lalita and lead us to Her. In the human body, śrī mātaṅgi is the left nāḍi, iḍa corresponding to the left nostril and the right side of the brain, indicating artistic and logical aspects and śrī Vārāhi is the right nāḍi piñgala, corresponding to the right nostril and the left part of the brain, representing action. When the nāḍi-s are balanced, the kuṇḍalini rises through the suṣumṇa, energizing the cakras and utlimately revealing our true existence, as self-realization.

Deepest gratitude to Shri Ruslan Odinstov, a great tantrik and worshipper of śrī mātaṅgi for proof reading, suggestions on the commentary and blessing this document. 


Nama in IAST




oṃ śrī-mahāmatta-mātaṅginyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीमहामत्तमातङ्गिन्यै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is overjoyed and intoxicated with the divine knowledge of the arts and sciences. The Divine Mother is the source and cause of all knowledge, verbal and written, as well as sound, internal and external, music, science etc. She is also referred to as the power of an elephant, associated with the form of ucchiṣṭa gaṇapati.


oṃ śrī-siddhi-rūpāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीसिद्धिरूपायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is the cause of all accomplishment and fulfillment. Her grace can provide complete fulfillment and success in all our endeavors.


oṃ śrī-yoginyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीयोगिन्यै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is joined with Her consort. A representation of the śiva-śakti-aikya or the union of the individual consciousness with the dynamic and static super consciousness.


oṃ śrī-bhadra-kālyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीभद्रकाल्यै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is the firestorm of knowledge, that destroys all ignorance. Bhadrakāli is the great knowledge that comes from the opening of the third-eye ājñā cakra.


oṃ śrī-ramāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीरमायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is the most delightful, loving and pleasing to look at. She's the giver of all wealth. She is Lakṣmi.


oṃ śrī-bhavānyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीभवान्यै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is none other than śakti the Supreme bliss, who has come into existence and emerged from śiva, as His independent power. This is a reference to the dynamic super consciousness representing the Whole of existence, emerging from the static super consciousness, which still continues to represent the Whole.


oṃ śrī-bhava-prītidāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीभवप्रीतिदायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is fond of Creation and is always in a state of joyful excitement.


oṃ śrī-bhūti-yuktāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीभूतियुक्तायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who represents and is in all the five basic natural elements - water, air, earth, fire and space.


oṃ śrī-bhava-ārādhitāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीभवाराधितायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who worships and is Salutations to the One, with śiva. She is śakti Herself.


oṃ śrī-bhūti-sampatti-karyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीभूतिसम्पत्तिकर्यै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who enriches all the five natural elements - water, air, earth, fire and space with Her presence.


oṃ śrī-jana-ādhīśa-mātre namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीजनाधीशमात्रे नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is regarded as the Divine Mother, who rules over all living entities.


oṃ śrī-dhanāgāra-dṛṣṭyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीधनागारदृष्ट्यै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who dwells and watches over all wealth, both material and spiritual.


oṃ śrī-dhaneśa-arcitāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीधनेशार्चितायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is worshipped to obtain immense wealth, both material and spiritual.


oṃ śrī-dhīravāpyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीधीरवाप्यै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who  resides in all the water bodies, big and small like the oceans and lakes. She is also the form of intelligence present in all the water bodies that guide them to the great oceans. She also represents all the abundance and resources present in the water bodies.


oṃ śrī-varāṅgyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीवराङ्ग्यै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is very beautiful, well shaped and extremely intelligent. She is the source of all beauty and knowledge.


oṃ śrī-prakṛṣṭāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीप्रकृष्टायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is very eminent and spread out across the realms of space and time.


oṃ śrī-prabhā-rūpiṇyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीप्रभारूपिण्यै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is brilliantly radiant and splendrous in appearance.


oṃ śrī-kāma-rūpāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीकामरूपायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is the object of desire and accomplishment. This attribute also describes Her as Salutations to the One, who can take any form, as per Her wish.


oṃ śrī-prahṛṣṭāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीप्रहृष्टायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is an extremely delightful state and ready to accept all prayers.


oṃ śrī-mahā-kīrtidāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीमहाकीर्तिदायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is the most honorable and has acquired immense fame due to Her immense grace on Her devotees.


oṃ śrī-karṇanālyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीकर्णनाल्यै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who has very beautiful lotus petal shaped ears. She hears and addresses all the concerns of Her sincere devotees.


oṃ śrī-karālyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीकराल्यै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is none other than Kāli, the aspect of śakti, who is the first mahāvidya. She is kāli, who severs the ego and provides us with the true knowledge of the divine. She quickly removes our ignorance, helps us unlearn and align ourselves to our true self.

Karāli is an epithet of the Divne Mother Kāli, meaning the One with a gaping mouth and dreadful appearance. She as the cause of all destruction, can consume the entire Creation at the time of the cosmic dissolution.


oṃ śrī-bhagā-ghora-rūpāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीभगाघोररूपायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is majestic, graceful, venerable and also terrific in appearance. She is the dispenser of everything, that there is!


oṃ śrī-bhaga-aṅgyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीभगाङ्ग्यै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who bestows all types of knowledge, arts, wealth and grace upon Her sincere devotees.


oṃ śrī-bhagā-vāhyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीभगावाह्यै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is the vehicle of delivery of all knowledge, arts, wealth and prosperity to Her sincere devotees.


oṃ śrī-bhaga-prīti-dāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीभगप्रीतिदायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is very joyful, loving and affectionate to Her sincere devotees and takes care of all their welfare.


oṃ śrī-bhīma-rūpāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीभीमरूपायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who has a formidable appearance and is still very amiable to Her devotees.


oṃ śrī-bhavānī-mahā-kauśikyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीभवानीमहाकौशिक्यै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, grants us the Supreme blissful state that She represents and is the compendium of all knowledge, that leads to liberation.


oṃ śrī-kośa-pūrṇāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीकोशपूर्णायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is the Supreme knowledge or mahāvidya. She is the One, that represents all knowledge that exists!


oṃ śrī-kiśoryai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीकिशोर्यै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is all enticing and youthful. She is the One who always remains in a blissful state, which is depicted as being full of youth and vigor.


oṃ śrī-kiśora-priya-ānanda-īhāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीकिशोरप्रियानन्दईहायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is eternally youthful in appearance, blissful and extremely desirable.


oṃ śrī-mahā-kāraṇāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीमहाकारणायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is the cause of all Creation, Sustenance, destruction, dissolution and re-creation.


oṃ śrī-kāraṇāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीकारणायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is the cause of everything. All that happens is as per Her desire. She's the power behind the karmic actions.


oṃ śrī-karma-śīlāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीकर्मशीलायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is the force behind the karmic results. She's the One who steadfastly imposes the karmic laws on all.


oṃ śrī-kapālyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीकपाल्यै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who slashes our ego and grants self-realization. When the mind becomes silent and the ego is absent, the individual consciousness merges with the universal consciousness. The skull represents an "Empty Head". That is, one without ego and individuality. Only when we lose ourselves in Her, can She be attained.


oṃ śrī-prasiddhāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीप्रसिद्धायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is Universally known for Her greatness and power.


oṃ śrī-mahā-siddha-khaṇḍāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीमहासिद्धखण्डायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is a part of all the super natural powers in existence. She is the one whose grants the powers to Her sincere devotees.


oṃ śrī-makāra-priyāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीमकारप्रियायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is very fond of the five essentials of the left hand path of tantric worship. The five makara-s or pañca-ma-kāra-s are mainly - 1. madya, wine; 2.māṃsa, meat;  3. matsya, fish ; 4.mudrā, intertwining of the fingers ; and 5. maithuna, coition.  Madya/wine relates to the amṛta or the cerebro-spinal fluid that is released by the pineal gland during deep meditation. Māṃsa/meat refers to the physical body itself that holds our consciousness and another reference is to the control of speech, especially mantras. Matsya/fish is a reference to the nāḍī-s or spiritual channels and mainly to the iḍā and piṅgala channels that flank the suṣumnā or the spinal cord. mudrā is generally referred to the hand gestures, but can also mean parched cereal. In the spiritual context, it refers to associating with spiritually minded people - satsang. The final Maithuna or coition, refers to the śiva-śakti-aikya or the union of the individual consciousness with the dynamic and static super consciousness.


oṃ śrī-māna-rūpāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीमानरूपायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is the very creation itself! Everything that exists is Her. She is omniscient.


oṃ śrī-maheśyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीमहेश्यै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is also śiva - the static superconsciousness and  śakti - the dynamic superconsciousness.


oṃ śrī-mahollāsinyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीमहोल्लासिन्यै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is playful and enacts the virtual illusion or māya. She is Lalitā, the playful.


oṃ śrī-lāsya-līlā-layāṅgyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीलास्यलीलालयाङ्ग्यै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who plays the cosmic dance at the time of the dissolution of the universe. This also refers to the dissolution of the karmic barriers and absorbtion of the individual consciousness into the universal consciousness.


oṃ śrī-kṣamāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीक्षमायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who forgives all sins of Her sincere devotees and cleanses their karmas.


oṃ śrī-kṣema-śīlāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीक्षेमशीलायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who ensures and takes care of our well being at all times.


oṃ śrī-kṣapā-kāriṇyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीक्षपाकारिण्यै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is Space and Time itself. She ensures the smooth functioning of all creation.


oṃ śrī-akṣaya-prītidā-bhūti-yuktā-bhavānyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीअक्षयप्रीतिदाभूतियुक्ताभवान्यै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is imperishable and ensures the sustenance of all the five natural elements or pañca-bhūtā-s and ultimately grants pure joy and bliss to the sincere devotees.


oṃ śrī-bhava-ārādhitā-bhūti-satyātmikāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीभवाराधिताभूतिसत्यात्मिकायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is always in reverence of śiva and is the ultimate Truth in the entire existence. She is the dynamic super consciousness that is part of the static super consciousness and not separate from it. All the creation is also part of the dynamic superconsciousness but due to the illusory force or māya, it is not clearly apparent.


oṃ śrī-prabha-udbhāsitāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीप्रभोद्भासितायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who shines forth like a billion suns.


oṃ śrī-bhānu-bhāsvatkarāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीभानुभास्वत्करायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who luminence is like that of the Sun. She lights up our lives and saves us from the abyss of ignorance and bad karma.


oṃ śrī-calat-kuṇḍalāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीचलत्कुण्डलायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, with dazzling conch-shell earrings that stir the consciousness of devotees meditating on Her.


oṃ śrī-kāminī-kānta-yuktāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीकामिनीकान्तयुक्तायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is the most loving and amicable aspect of the Divine Mother śakti.


oṃ śrī-kapālā-acalāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीकपालाऽचलायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who grants Her devotees the ability to concentrate without any distraction and meditate upon Her.


oṃ śrī-kālaka-uddhāriṇyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीकालकोद्धारिण्यै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who appears to be elevated amongst a multitude of clouds. This is a reference to the sahasrāra cakra and Her presence in it.


oṃ śrī-kadamba-priyāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीकदम्बप्रियायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is very fond of the fragrant blossoms of the kadamba plant. The reference is to the petals of all cakras in our body and their energization.


oṃ śrī-koṭaryai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीकोटर्यै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is infinite and depicted with minimal coverings.


oṃ śrī-koṭa-dehāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीकोटदेहायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, whose form is infinite. She is omniscient and omnipresent. She is everywhere and not a finite being.


oṃ śrī-kramāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीक्रमायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who can be realized following a regular prescribed method. She is also very orderly and can be realized in a progressive manner, rather than instantly. Her true nature will become transparent to us gradually and not all of a sudden.


oṃ śrī-kīrtidāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीकीर्तिदायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is known all over the universe and One who grants instant fame and glory to Her devotees.


oṃ śrī-karṇa-rūpāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीकर्णरूपायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is in the form of ears. All the knowledge we seek, hear and gain is through Her grace.


oṃ śrī-kākṣmyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीकाक्ष्म्यै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, whose side glance is enough to grant self-realization and ultimately lead us to liberation.


oṃ śrī-kṣamāṅyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीक्षमाङ्यै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who has infinite patience and forbearance.


oṃ śrī-kṣaya-prema-rūpāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीक्षयप्रेमरूपायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is the abode and representation of infinite and true love.


oṃ śrī-kṣapāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीक्षपायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is timeless and whose presence can be felt at all times by Her devotees.


oṃ śrī-kṣayākṣāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीक्षयाक्षायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is Consciousness Itself and dwells everywhere. She is also the very cause and source of all Knowledge that exits and shall exist.


oṃ śrī-kṣaya-āhvāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीक्षयाह्वायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is the backbone of all existence. She is the Creator, Preserver and Destroyer. She is the dwelling and the dweller.


oṃ śrī-kṣaya-prāntarāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीक्षयप्रान्तरायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is also the Path that leads to Her - Self-realization and Liberation.


oṃ śrī-kṣavat-kāminyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीक्षवत्कामिन्यै नमः ।

Salutations to the dark complexioned, affectionate and most lovely aspect of the Divine Mother.


oṃ śrī-kṣāriṇyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीक्षारिण्यै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is like a flowing river of compassion and an ocean of consciousness.


oṃ śrī-kṣīra-pūrṇāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीक्षीरपूर्णायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is as toxic as the sap of a mulberry tree. She is also the punisher and rules over the forces of karma, to ensure that every action begets it's appropriate reaction.


oṃ śrī-śiva-aṅgyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीशिवाङ्ग्यै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is part of śiva. She is the dynamic Superconsciousness - śakti, that is a part of the static Superconsciousness - śiva.


oṃ śrī-śākambharyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीशाकम्भर्यै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who nourishes all herbs and vegetables. She is the food giver and provides nourishment to all beings.


oṃ śrī-śāka-dehāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीशाकदेहायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who not only nourishes all beings, but is also present in the nourishment. She is in everything that exists and also in the unseen or the empty void.


oṃ śrī-mahā-śāka-yajñāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीमहाशाकयज्ञायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is also the ingredient of all fire sacrifices. She is the fire and also the ingredients that are thrown in the fire. She is both the subject and the object.


oṃ śrī-phala-prāśakāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीफलप्राशकायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is the result of all our actions. She is also present in the fruitful, as well as in the adverse results, that may arise due to our actions.


oṃ śrī-śaka-āhvā-āśaka-ākhyā-śakāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीशकाह्वाशकाख्याशकायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who ensures that the waste products of one being becomes food for another and so on. She is the One who ensures that the food chain is maintained in the Universe.


oṃ śrī-śaka-ākṣa-antarā-uṣāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीशकाक्षान्तरोषायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is the content of the spirituous liquor derived from the seeds of Terminalia Bellerica, that one can consume at night or dawn break. This is a reference to the cerebro-spinal fluid that's derived from the pineal gland that is hidden as the third-eye and remains dark at all times, until it's lit up by intense meditation.


oṃ śrī-suroṣāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीसुरोषायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is the luminence of the celestial beings or suras/gods.


oṃ śrī-surekhāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीसुरेखायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who has beautiful lines all over Her form. She is the Creator of all beauty and bounty that is abundant in the Universe.


oṃ śrī-mahā-śeṣa-yajñopavīta-priyāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीमहाशेषयज्ञोपवीतप्रियायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is the cakra laden suṣumnā/spinal cord, that resembles a fine thread and She is the cause of the thousand petalled lotus, representing the blooming of the sahasrāra cakra. She can be attained and fully realized in the sahasrāra cakra, when the breath becomes as subtle as a fine thread.


oṃ śrī-jayantī-jayā-jāgratī-yogya-rūpāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीजयन्तीजयाजाग्रतीयोग्यरूपायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who always grants victory and fulfilment and is ever alert to the desires of Her devotees.


oṃ śrī-jaya-aṅgāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीजयाङ्गायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is always present and guides Her devotees at all stages, to ensure their victory and fulfillment of their desires.


oṃ śrī-japa-dhyāna-santuṣṭa-saṁjñāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीजपध्यानसन्तुष्टसंज्ञायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is satisfied with mantra japa and contemplation/meditation on Her form, granting us the faculties of discernment and higher perception of the reality.


oṃ śrī-jaya-prāṇa-rūpāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीजयप्राणरूपायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who grants victory in every breath that we take.


oṃ śrī-jaya-svarṇa-dehāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीजयस्वर्णदेहायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is ever victorious and is golden in appearance. This is a reference to Her aspect as the Goddess Bagalamukhi/Vagalamukhi, who is also one of the Dasha Mahāvidyas.


oṃ śrī-jaya-jvālinyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीजयज्वालिन्यै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who douses our ego and grants us the victory of self-realization and liberation. She also appears in a very fierce aspect as Pratyaṅgirā, the Luminous One.


oṃ śrī-yāminyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीयामिन्यै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is the very journey and purpose of life itself!


oṃ śrī-yāmya-rūpāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीयाम्यरूपायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is none other than the great dark Void. This attribute is also a reference to Her as One, who is none other than śiva.


oṃ śrī-jagan-mātṛ-rūpāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीजगन्मातृरूपायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is none other than śakti the Universal Divine Mother, the Supreme Bliss, who has come into existence and emerged from śiva, as His independent power. This is a reference to the dynamic super consciousness representing the Whole of existence, emerging from the static super consciousness, which still continues to represent the Whole.


oṃ śrī-jagad-rakṣaṇāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीजगद्रक्षणायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is the Universal Divine Mother śakti and the protector and sustainer of all realms and beings.


oṃ śrī-svadhā-vauṣaḍ-antāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीस्वधावौषडन्तायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is śakti the independent power of śiva and also the One who no beginning or end as the enlightened Superconsciousness.


oṃ śrī-vilambā-vilambāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीविलम्बाविलम्बायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is ever reaching to Her devotees in need. Her grace is perceived as low hanging or easy to obtain for the sincere devotees.


oṃ śrī-ṣaḍaṅgāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीषडङ्गायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who has four arms and two legs. She is carrying a noose (to free us from all karmas), a sword (to slash our ego), a goad and a club (to guide the errant devotees and dispel all fears) and sometimes holding a veena, a musical instrument, with two arms, signifying the śabda brahman, the divinity manifested as sound, speech, music etc. The four arms are also representative of the four vedas and whose grasp is possible with Her worship and divine grace. One foot at the perineum is indicative of the opening of the lower cakras, especially the Mūlādhāra and the other on a lotus is indicative of the lowest pātāla cakra. The lotus itself is indicative of the consciousness that pervades all dimensions and is the singular reality that She represents.


oṃ śrī-mahā-lamba-rūpā'si-hastā''pdā-hāriṇyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीमहालम्बरूपाऽसिहस्ताऽऽप्दाहारिण्यै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is the most magnanimous and extremely quick like a deer, in reaching out to Her devotees and rescuing them when in great danger or misery.


oṃ śrī-mahā-maṅgalāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीमहामङ्गलायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who heralds auspicioussness all around Her devotees and grants every wish.


oṃ śrī-maṅgala-prema-kīrtyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीमङ्गलप्रेमकीर्त्यै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who has gained the reputation of being the most loving and benevolent in heralding auspiciousness and fulfulling the wishes of Her devotees.


oṃ śrī-niśumbha-kṣidāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीनिशुम्भक्षिदायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who destroys all negativity and arrogance in us.


oṃ śrī-śumbha-darpatu-vahāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीशुम्भदर्पत्वहायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who has destroyed the arrogance of the asura śumbha, in Her aspect as śrī Durga. This attribute once again refers to Her ability to destroy negativity all around us.


oṃ śrī-ānanda-bījādi-svarūpāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीआनन्दबीजादिस्वरूपायै नमः ।

Saluations to the One, who sows the seeds of happiness and bliss, to Her sincere devotees.


oṃ śrī-mukti-svarūpāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीमुक्तिस्वरूपायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who grants us self-realization and ultimately liberates us by granting mokṣa.


oṃ śrī-caṇḍa-muṇḍā-padāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीचण्डमुण्डापदायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is śrī Durga, who goes by the name of Cāmuṇḍā. She is the One who killed the asuras Caṇḍa and Muṇḍa. This is also a reference to Her ability to remove the negative qualities of cruelty, greed and arrogance in us, to help us grow spiritually and ultimately attain Her full grace.


oṃ śrī-mukhya-caṇḍāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीमुख्यचण्डायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who surges in to destroy all forms of cruelty in us and bestow kindness and love in us. She removes all ailments of the heart cakra and helps us progress to the higher cakras.


oṃ śrī-pracaṇḍā-apracaṇḍāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीप्रचण्डाऽप्रचण्डायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who transforms the excessively violent and cruel beings to the most benevolent, through Her grace.


oṃ śrī-mahā-caṇḍa-vegāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीमहाचण्डवेगायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who rapidly destroys negativity and bestows peace and prosperity to Her devotees.


oṃ śrī-calac-cāmarāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीचलच्चामरायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is fanned by a chowrie whisk made of yak wool. The chowrie signifies removal of ignorance and all mental afflictions to attain Her full grace.


oṃ śrī-cāmarā-candra-kīrtyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीचामराचन्द्रकीर्त्यै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is worshipped by waving  a fly-whisk around Her head, adorned by a moon. This signifies the cleansing of all ignorance and clearing our aura, through Her worship.


oṃ śrī-sucāmikarāyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीसुचामिकरायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is boundless in Her virtuous actions and benevolence to Her sincere devotees.


oṃ śrī-citra-bhūṣojjvala-aṅgyai namaḥ |

ॐ श्रीचित्रभूषोज्ज्वलाङ्ग्यै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who is most beautifully adorned with various ornaments and looks dazzling and stunning! Her beauty and splendor are boundless and Her benevolence is unmatched!


oṃ śrī-su-saṅgīta-gītāyai namaḥ | 

ॐ श्रीसुसङ्गीतगीतायै नमः ।

Salutations to the One, who sings melodiously and is the very source of sound in the entire creation. She is śabda Brahman, the manifestation of the Superconsciousness as Sound and Syllable. She is the compendium of all knowledge, music and sound.


The above article is written by Krishna Vallapareddy and he can be contacted at

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