This Ucchiṣṭa Gaṇeśa Sahasranāma Kavacahm is translated into English with IAST font and also in Sanskrit by Shri. Krishna Vallapareddy. He has also provided meaning at the end of Kavacahm. Shri. Krishna Vallapareddy is an experienced Ucchiṣṭa Ganapati upāsaka, who has done extensive sādhana with puraścaraṇa for the 9 lettered, 11 lettered and the 37 lettered mantra of Ucchiṣṭa Ganapati. We can expect more inputs from him on Ucchiṣṭa Ganapati.
Downloadable versions in Kannada, Malayalam, Tamil and Telugu are available at the end of this article.
Ucchista Ganapati Kavacham Prologue:
There are many people facing extreme difficulties in today's challenging world. Even those who are pious, honest and hardworking, face difficulties from rogue elements in the society and encounter unfortunate circumstances, where they're forced into seeking the assistance of the divine, to mitigate their problems. During those difficult times, we offer prayers at places of worship such as temples etc. and also perform various rituals at holy places seeking the services of priests and in some cases spending money on services offered by some tantriks, gurus etc. If the Karmic baggage is heavy, we often don't get any results from all the above and we tend to lose hope and even faith in GOD.
The Supreme Parabrahman, the all-encompassing Universal Super-Consciousness that is indescribable, devolves into various forms to fulfill the purpose of creation, sustenance, transformation, dissolution and recreation of the universe. These higher forms of the Brahman have been called by various names and one such name is Gaṇeṣa. Lord Gaṇeṣa is depicted as the spiritual entity capable of dissolving all obstacles and paving the success for fulfilment of all objectives. There are various Vedic mantras to invoke the blessings of Lord Gaṇeṣa for fulfilment of wishes. Most of them are available in the devotional books and websites and are often used at all temples and rituals to ensure success.
If all our efforts to mitigate our difficulties fail through normal course of actions and even after invoking the Vedic mantras and following the prescribed rituals and prayers, then we can resort to invoking some of the most powerful prayers, hidden in the most esoteric and secretive documents, such as the Rudrayāmalam and other tantric texts. These mantras have been kept a secret to prevent their misuse and often cursed, to protect against their misuse. Often, they are given only to a select eligible few by an esteemed guru, for general good to help the needy. One such prayer or mantra, that is considered a secret among the best kept secrets, is the Ucchiṣṭa Gaṇapati Kavacaṃ. A kavacaṃ in Sanskrit means protective armour. In general, such prayers or mantras are disseminated by a guru and only upon seeking his/her blessing, should one recite these to obtain the true benefits in a speedy manner.
Lord Gaṇeṣa has many forms and one such among HIS sixteen most revered forms, is Ucchiṣṭa Gaṇeṣa, also known as Ucchiṣṭa Gaṇapati, is a favorite among the tantriks and sadhakas following the Vāma Mārga or the left handed path, and also among some sects of Śrī Vidyā upāsakas or followers of Śrī Vidyā path of devotion and worship, of the Divine Mother Lalitā Devi.
There are no pre-requisite rituals, prayers, cleanliness, food restrictions, oath of celibacy etc. for invoking the kavacaṃ. All that is needed, is true faith and a commitment, to remain good and lead a moralistic life and NOT to misuse the accrued benefits of reciting such a secretive and highly revered prayer. The absence of such rituals, is probably the reason for the lack of favour, among those following the ritualistic Vedic or the right hand path. It is to be noted that results will vary based on one's karmic baggage and sincerity of prayer. This may take weeks, months or in some cases years, to show results. If the difficulties continue to persist and relief is not at hand, one may proceed with the recitation of Ucchiṣṭa Gaṇeṣa Sahasranāma also. If time allows, then may proceed with sadhana of Ucchiṣṭa Gaṇeṣa mantra japa as well, after obtaining an initiation from a qualified Guru.
Most of us who are not adept at rituals and have little time to spare in our normal day to day life, may adopt this prayer and pray to Lord Ucchiṣṭa Gaṇeṣa to protect, bless and guide us at all times, ultimately leading us to the path of mokṣa or spiritual emancipation and self-realization. Those who aspire for little or nothing, gain the most and in a quickest manner. It is best, NOT to seek any favours or wish for anything and let Lord Ucchiṣṭa Gaṇeṣa bestow what's best suited for us.
Ucchiṣṭa Gaṇapati Kavacam Stotram
atha ucchiṣṭaganeśakavacaprārambhaḥ । अथ उच्छिष्टगनेशकवचप्रारम्भः ।
devyuvāca । देव्युवाच ।
devadeva jagannātha sṛṣṭisthitilayātmaka ।
देवदेव जगन्नाथ सृष्टिस्थितिलयात्मक ।
vinā dhyānaṃ vinā mantraṃ vinā homaṃ vinā japam ॥ 1 ॥
विना ध्यानं विना मन्त्रं विना होमं विना जपम् ॥ १ ॥
yena smaraṇamātreṇa labhyate cāśu cintitam ।
येन स्मरणमात्रेण लभ्यते चाशु चिन्तितम् ।
tadeva śrotumicchami kathayasva jagatprabho ॥ 2 ॥
तदेव श्रोतुमिच्छामि कथयस्व जगत्प्रभो ॥ २ ॥
Explanation: Śakti asks Śiva, hey lord, supreme amongst all gods and the ruler of the universe, creator, preserver, destroyer, dissolver and re-creator of the universe, Would you be so kind, to please let me know the easiest method capable of providing all benefits and fulfilling desires and that which requires no purascaraṇa (requiring no meditation, mantra japa, homaṃ, oblations and feeding scholars etc.) or any other rituals? I would like to listen to only such a method at this time! Please oblige!
Īśvara uvāca | ईश्वर उवाच |
śrṛṇu devi pravakṣyāmi guhyādguhyataraṃ mahat |
ucciṣṭa gaṇanādhasya kavacaṃ sarvasiddhidaṃ || 3.
श्रृणु देवि प्रवक्ष्यामि गुह्याद्गुह्यतरं महत् |
उच्चिष्ट गणनाधस्य कवचं सर्वसिद्धिदं || 3.
alpāyāsairvinā kaṣṭairjapamātreṇa siddhidaṃ |
ekānte nirjane araṇye gahvare ca raṇāṅgaṇe || 4.
अल्पायासैर्विना कष्टैर्जपमात्रेण सिद्धिदं |
एकान्ते निर्जने अरण्ये गह्वरे च रणाङ्गणे || 4.
siṃdhutīre ca gāṅgīye kūle vṛkṣatale jale |
sarvadevālaye tīrthelabdhvā samyak japaṃ caret || 5.
सिंधुतीरे च गाङ्गीये कूले वृक्षतले जले |
सर्वदेवालये तीर्थेलब्ध्वा सम्यक् जपं चरेत् || 5.
snānaśaucādikaṃ nāsti nāsti nirbandhanaṃ priye |
dāridryāṃta karaṃ śīghraṃ sarvatatvaṃ janapriye || 6.
स्नानशौचादिकं नास्ति नास्ति निर्बन्धनं प्रिये |
दारिद्र्यांत करं शीघ्रं सर्वतत्वं जनप्रिये || 6.
sahasraśapathaṃ kṛtvāyadi snehosti māṃ prati |
niṃdakāya kuśiṣyāya khalāya kuṭilāya ca || 7.
सहस्रशपथं कृत्वायदि स्नेहोस्ति मां प्रति |
निंदकाय कुशिष्याय खलाय कुटिलाय च || 7.
duṣṭāya paraśiṣyāya ghātakāya śaṭhāya ca |
vañcakāya varaghnāya brāhmaṇīgamanāya ca || 8.
दुष्टाय परशिष्याय घातकाय शठाय च |
वञ्चकाय वरघ्नाय ब्राह्मणीगमनाय च || 8.
aśaktāyaca krūrāya gurudroharatāya ca |
na dātavyaṃ na dātavyaṃ na dātavyavaṃ kadācana || 9.
अशक्तायच क्रूराय गुरुद्रोहरताय च |
न दातव्यं न दातव्यं न दातव्यवं कदाचन || 9.
gurubhaktāya dātavyaṃ sacchiṣyāya viśeṣataḥ |
teṣāṃ sidhyanti śīghreṇa hyanyathā na ca sidhyanti || 10.
गुरुभक्ताय दातव्यं सच्छिष्याय विशेषतः |
तेषां सिध्यन्ति शीघ्रेण ह्यन्यथा न च सिध्यन्ति || 10.
guru saṃtuṣṭi mātreṇa kalau pratakṣa siddhidam |
dehocchiṣṭai prajaptavyaṃ tathocchiṣṭairmahāmanuḥ || 11.
गुरु संतुष्टि मात्रेण कलौ प्रतक्ष सिद्धिदम् |
देहोच्छिष्टै प्रजप्तव्यं तथोच्छिष्टैर्महामनुः || 11.
ākāśe ca phalaṃ prāptaṃ nānyathā vacanaṃ mama |
eṣā rājavatī vidyā vinā puṇyaṃ na labhyate || 12.
आकाशे च फलं प्राप्तं नान्यथा वचनं मम |
एषा राजवती विद्या विना पुण्यं न लभ्यते || 12.
ata vakṣyāmi deveśi kavacaṃ maṃtrapūrvakam |
ena vijñānamātreṇa rājabhogaphalapradam || 13.
अत वक्ष्यामि देवेशि कवचं मंत्रपूर्वकम् |
एन विज्ञानमात्रेण राजभोगफलप्रदम् || 13.
ṛṣirme gaṇakaḥ pātu śirasi ca nirantaram |
trāhi māṃ devi gāyatrī chando ṛṣiḥ sadā mukhe || 14.
ऋषिर्मे गणकः पातु शिरसि च निरन्तरम् |
त्राहि मां देवि गायत्री छन्दो ऋषिः सदा मुखे || 14.
hṛdaye pātu māṃ nityaṃ ucchiṣṭa gaṇadevatā |
guhyerakṣatu tadbījaṃ svāhāśaktiśca pādayoḥ || 15.
हृदये पातु मां नित्यं उच्छिष्ट गणदेवता |
गुह्येरक्षतु तद्बीजं स्वाहाशक्तिश्च पादयोः || 15.
kāmakīlaka sarvāṅge viniyogaśca sarvadā |
pārśvadvaye sadāpātu svaśaktiṃ gaṇanāyakaḥ || 16.
कामकीलक सर्वाङ्गे विनियोगश्च सर्वदा |
पार्श्वद्वये सदापातु स्वशक्तिं गणनायकः || 16.
śikhāyāṃ pātu tadbījaṃ bhrūmadhye tārabījakaṃ |
hastivaktraśca śirasi laṃbodaro lalāṭake || 17.
शिखायां पातु तद्बीजं भ्रूमध्ये तारबीजकं |
हस्तिवक्त्रश्च शिरसि लंबोदरो ललाटके || 17.
ucchiṣṭo netrayoḥ pātu karṇau pātu mahātmane |
pāśāṃkuśa mahābījaṃ nāsikāyāṃ ca rakṣatu || 18.
उच्छिष्टो नेत्रयोः पातु कर्णौ पातु महात्मने |
पाशांकुश महाबीजं नासिकायां च रक्षतु || 18.
bhūtīśvaraḥ paraḥ pātu āsyaṃ jihvāṃ svayaṃvapuḥ |
tadbījaṃ pātu māṃ nityaṃ grīvāyāṃ kanṭhadeśake || 19.
भूतीश्वरः परः पातु आस्यं जिह्वां स्वयंवपुः |
तद्बीजं पातु मां नित्यं ग्रीवायां कन्ठदेशके || 19.
gaṃ bījaṃ ca tadhā rakṣettathā tvagre ca pṛṣṭake |
sarvakāmaśca hṛt pātu pātu māṃ ca karadvaye || 20.
गं बीजं च तधा रक्षेत्तथा त्वग्रे च पृष्टके |
सर्वकामश्च हृत् पातु पातु मां च करद्वये || 20.
ucchiṣṭāya ca hṛdaye vahni bījaṃ tathodare |
māyābījaṃ tathā kaṭyāṃ dvau ūrū siddhidāyakaḥ || 21.
उच्छिष्टाय च हृदये वह्नि बीजं तथोदरे |
मायाबीजं तथा कट्यां द्वौ ऊरू सिद्धिदायकः || 21.
jaṅghāyāṃ gaṇanāthaśca pādau pātu vināyakaḥ |
śirasaḥ pādaparyantaṃ ucchiṣṭa gaṇanāyakaḥ || 22.
जङ्घायां गणनाथश्च पादौ पातु विनायकः |
शिरसः पादपर्यन्तं उच्छिष्ट गणनायकः || 22
āpādamastakāntaṃ ca umāputraśca pātu mām |
diśo aṣṭau ca tathākāśe pātāle vidi śāṣṭake || 23.
आपादमस्तकान्तं च उमापुत्रश्च पातु माम् |
दिशो अष्टौ च तथाकाशे पाताले विदि शाष्टके || 23.
aharniśaṃ ca māṃ pātu madacañcalalocanaḥ |
jale anale ca saṃgrāme duṣṭa kārāgṛhe vane || 24.
अहर्निशं च मां पातु मदचञ्चललोचनः |
जले अनले च संग्रामे दुष्ट कारागृहे वने || 24.
rājadvāre ghorapathe pātu māṃ gaṇanāyakaḥ |
idaṃ tu kavacaṃ guhyaṃ mama vaktrādvinirgatam || 25.
राजद्वारे घोरपथे पातु मां गणनायकः |
इदं तु कवचं गुह्यं मम वक्त्राद्विनिर्गतम् || 25.
trailokye satataṃ pātu dvibhujaśca caturbhujaḥ |
bāhyambhyaṃtaraṃ pātu siddhibuddhirvināyakaḥ || 26.
त्रैलोक्ये सततं पातु द्विभुजश्च चतुर्भुजः |
बाह्यम्भ्यंतरं पातु सिद्धिबुद्धिर्विनायकः || 26.
sarvasiddhi pradaṃ devi kavacamṛddhisiddhidam |
ekāṃte prajapenmaṃtraṃ kavacaṃ yukti saṃyutam || 27.
सर्वसिद्धि प्रदं देवि कवचमृद्धिसिद्धिदम् |
एकांते प्रजपेन्मंत्रं कवचं युक्ति संयुतम् || 27.
idaṃ rahasyaṃ kavacaṃ ucchiṣṭa gaṇanāyakam |
sarvavarmasu deveśi idaṃ kavacanāyakaṃ || 28.
इदं रहस्यं कवचं उच्छिष्ट गणनायकम् |
सर्ववर्मसु देवेशि इदं कवचनायकं || 28.
etat kavaca māhātmyaṃ varṇituṃ naiva śakyate |
dharmārthakāma mokṣaṃ ca nānāphala pradaṃ nṛṇām || 29.
एतत् कवच माहात्म्यं वर्णितुं नैव शक्यते |
धर्मार्थकाम मोक्षं च नानाफल प्रदं नृणाम् || 29.
śivaputraḥ sadā pātu pātu māṃ surārcitaḥ |
gajānanaḥ sadāpātu gaṇarājaśca pātu mām || 30.
शिवपुत्रः सदापातु पातु मां सुरार्चितः |
गजाननः सदापातु गणराजश्च पातु माम् || 30.
sadā śaktirataḥ pātu pātu māṃ kāmavihvalaḥ |
sarvābharaṇa bhūṣāḍhyaḥ pātu māṃ sindūrārcitaḥ || 31.
सदा शक्तिरतः पातु पातु मां कामविह्वलः |
सर्वाभरण भूषाढ्यः पातु मां सिन्दूरार्चितः || 31.
pañcamodakaraḥ pātu pātu māṃ pārvatī sutaḥ |
pāśāṃkuśadharaḥ pātu pātu māṃ ca dhaneśvaraḥ || 32.
पञ्चमोदकरः पातु पातु मां पार्वती सुतः |
पाशांकुशधरः पातु पातु मां च धनेश्वरः || 32.
gadādharaḥ sadā pātu pātu māṃ kāmamohitaḥ |
nagnanārīrataḥ pātu pātu māṃca gaṇeśvaraḥ || 33.
गदाधरः सदा पातु पातु मां काममोहितः |
नग्ननारीरतः पातु पातु मांच गणेश्वरः || 33.
akṣayaṃ varadaḥ pātu śaktiyuktaḥ sadāvatu |
bhālacandraḥ sadāpātu nānāratna vibhūṣitaḥ || 34.
अक्षयं वरदः पातु शक्तियुक्तः सदावतु |
भालचन्द्रः सदापातु नानारत्न विभूषितः || 34.
ucchiṣṭa gaṇanāthaśca madāghūrṇitalocanaḥ |
nārīyoni rasāsvādaḥ pātumāṃ gajakarṇakaḥ || 35.
उच्छिष्ट गणनाथश्च मदाघूर्णितलोचनः |
नारीयोनि रसास्वादः पातुमां गजकर्णकः || 35.
prasannavadanaḥ pātu pātu māṃ bhagavallabhaḥ |
dhaṭādharaḥ sadā pātu pātu māṃ ca kirīṭikaḥ || 36.
प्रसन्नवदनः पातु पातु मां भगवल्लभः |
धटाधरः सदा पातु पातु मां च किरीटिकः || 36.
padmāsanaḥ sthitaḥ pātu raktavarṇaśca pātu mām |
nagnasāma madonmattaḥ pātu māṃ gaṇadaivataḥ || 37.
पद्मासनः स्थितः पातु रक्तवर्णश्च पातु माम् |
नग्नसाम मदोन्मत्तः पातु मां गणदैवतः || 37.
vāmāṅge suṃdarīyuktaḥ pātu māṃ manmathaprabhuḥ |
kṣetrapaḥ piśitaṃ pātu pātu māṃ śrṛtipāṭhakaḥ || 38.
वामाङ्गे सुंदरीयुक्तः पातु मां मन्मथप्रभुः |
क्षेत्रपः पिशितं पातु पातु मां श्रृतिपाठकः || 38.
bhūṣaṇāḍhyastu māṃ pātu nānābhoga samanvitaḥ |
smitānanaḥ sadā pātu śrī gaṇeśa kulānvitaḥ || 39.
भूषणाढ्यस्तु मां पातु नानाभोग समन्वितः |
स्मिताननः सदा पातु श्री गणेश कुलान्वितः || 39.
śrīrakta candanamayaḥ sulakṣaṇa gaṇeśvaraḥ |
śvetārka gaṇanāthaśca haridrā gaṇanāyakaḥ || 40.
श्रीरक्त चन्दनमयः सुलक्षण गणेश्वरः |
श्वेतार्क गणनाथश्च हरिद्रा गणनायकः || 40.
pārabhadragaṇeśaśca pātusapta gaṇeśvaraḥ |
pravālaka gaṇādhyakṣo gajadaṃto gaṇeśvaraḥ || 41.
पारभद्रगणेशश्च पातुसप्त गणेश्वरः |
प्रवालक गणाध्यक्षो गजदंतो गणेश्वरः || 41.
harabīja gaṇeśaśca bhadrākṣa gaṇanāyakaḥ |
divyauṣadhi samudbhūto gaṇeśaścintitapradaḥ || 42.
हरबीज गणेशश्च भद्राक्ष गणनायकः |
दिव्यौषधि समुद्भूतो गणेशश्चिन्तितप्रदः || 42
lavaṇasya gaṇādhyakṣo mṛttikāgaṇanāyakaḥ |
taṇḍulākṣa gaṇādhyakṣo gomayaśca gaṇeśvaraḥ || 43.
लवणस्य गणाध्यक्षो मृत्तिकागणनायकः |
तण्डुलाक्ष गणाध्यक्षो गोमयश्च गणेश्वरः || 43.
sphaṭikākṣa gaṇādhyakṣo rudrākṣa gaṇadaivataḥ |
navaratna gaṇeśaśca ādidevo gaṇeśvaraḥ || 44.
स्फटिकाक्ष गणाध्यक्षो रुद्राक्ष गणदैवतः |
नवरत्न गणेशश्च आदिदेवो गणेश्वरः || 44.
pañcānanaścaturvaktraḥ ṣaḍānana gaṇeśvaraḥ |
mayūravāhanaḥ pātu pātu māṃ muṣakāsanaḥ || 45.
पञ्चाननश्चतुर्वक्त्रः षडानन गणेश्वरः |
मयूरवाहनः पातु पातु मां मुषकासनः || 45.
pātu māṃ deva deveśaḥ pātu māṃ ṛṣipūjitaḥ |
pātu māṃ sarvadā devo devadānavapūjitaḥ || 46.
पातु मां देव देवेशः पातु मां ऋषिपूजितः |
पातु मां सर्वदा देवो देवदानवपूजितः | 46
trailokyapūjito devaḥ pātu māṃ ca vibhuḥ prabhuḥ |
raṃgasthaṃ ca sadāpātu sāgarasthaṃ sadā'vatu || 47.
त्रैलोक्यपूजितो देवः पातु मां च विभुः प्रभुः |
रंगस्थं च सदापातु सागरस्थं सदाऽवतु || 47.
bhūmisthaṃ ca sadā pātu pātāḻasthaṃ ca pātu mām |
antarikṣe sadā pātu ākāśasthaṃ sadāvatu || 48.
भूमिस्थं च सदा पातु पाताळस्थं च पातु माम् |
अन्तरिक्षे सदापातु आकाशस्थं सदावतु || 48.
catuḥṣpathe sadā pātu tripathasthaṃ ca pātu mām |
viḻvasthaṃ ca vanasthaṃ ca pātu māṃ sarvatastanam || 49.
चतुःष्पथे सदा पातु त्रिपथस्थं च पातु माम् |
विळ्वस्थं च वनस्थं च पातुमां सर्वतस्तनम् || 49.
rājadvārasthitaṃ pātu pātu māṃ śīghrasiddhidaḥ |
bhavānī pūjitaḥ pātu brahma viṣṇu śivārcitaḥ || 50.
राजद्वारस्थितं पातु पातु मां शीघ्रसिद्धिदः |
भवानी पूजितः पातु ब्रह्म विष्णु शिवार्चितः || 50.
idaṃ tu kavacaṃ devi paṭhanātsarva siddhidaṃ |
ucchiṣṭa gaṇanāthasya samaṃtraṃ kavacaṃ param || 51.
इदं तु कवचं देवि पठनात्सर्व सिद्धिदं |
उच्छिष्ट गणनाथस्य समंत्रं कवचं परम् || 51.
smaraṇādbhūbhujatvaṃ ca labhate sāṅgatāṃ dhruvam |
vāca: siddhikaraṃ śīghraṃ parasainya vidāraṇam || 52.
स्मरणाद्भूभुजत्वं च लभते साङ्गतां ध्रुवम् |
वाच: सिद्धिकरं शीघ्रं परसैन्य विदारणम् || 52.
prātarmadhyāhna sāyāhne diva rātrau paṭhennaraḥ |
caturdhyāṃ divase rātrau pūjane mānadāyakam || 53.
प्रातर्मध्याह्न सायाह्ने दिवारात्रौपठेन्नरः |
चतुर्ध्यां दिवसे रात्रौ पूजने मानदायकम् || 53.
sarvasaubhāgyadaṃ śīghraṃ dāridyārṇavaghātakam |
sudāra suprajāsaukhyaṃ sarvasiddhikaraṃ nṛṇām || 54.
सर्वसौभाग्यदं शीघ्रं दारिद्यार्णवघातकम् |
सुदार सुप्रजासौख्यं सर्वसिद्धिकरं नृणाम् || 54.
jalethavānale raṇye sindhutīre sarittaṭe |
śmaśāne dūradeśe ca raṇe parvata gahvare || 55.
जलेथवानले रण्ये सिन्धुतीरे सरित्तटे |
श्मशाने दूरदेशे च रणे पर्वत गह्वरे || 55.
rājadvāre bhaye ghore nirbhayo jāyate dhruvam|
sāgare ca mahāśīte durbhikṣe duṣṭa saṅkaṭe || 56.
राजद्वारे भये घोरे निर्भयो जायते ध्रुवम् |
सागरे च महाशीते दुर्भिक्षे दुष्ट सङ्कटे || 56.
bhūta preta piśācādi yakṣarākṣasaje bhaye |
rākṣasī yakṣiṇīkrūrā śākinī ḍhākinī gaṇāḥ || 57.
भूत प्रेत पिशाचादि यक्षराक्षसजे भये |
राक्षसी यक्षिणीक्रूरा शाकिनी ढाकिनी गणाः || 57.
rājamṛtyuharaṃ devi kavacaṃ kāmadhenuvat |
ananta phaladaṃdevi sati mokṣaṃ ca pārvati || 58.
राजमृत्युहरं देवि कवचं कामधेनुवत् |
अनन्त फलदंदेवि सति मोक्षं च पार्वति || 58.
Kavacena vinā mantraṃ yo japed gaṇanāyakam |
ihajanmani pāpiṣṭho janmānte mūṣako bhavet || 59.
कवचेन विना मन्त्रं यो जपेद् गणनायकम् |
इहजन्मनि पापिष्ठो जन्मान्ते मूषको भवेत् || 59.
iti paramarahasyaṃ deva devārcanaṃ ca kavaca paramadivyaṃ pārvatī putrarūpam |
paṭhati paramabhaugaiśvarya mokṣapradaṃ ca labhati sakalasaukhyaṃ śaktiputraprasādāt || 60.
इति परमरहस्यं देव देवार्चनं च कवच परमदिव्यं पार्वती पुत्ररूपम् |
पठति परमभौगैश्वर्य मोक्षप्रदं च लभति सकलसौख्यं शक्तिपुत्रप्रसादात् || 60.
iti śrī rudrayāmaḻa taṃtre umā maheśvara samvāde ucchiṣṭa gaṇeśa kavacaṃ samāptam | śubhamastu |
इति श्री रुद्रयामळ तंत्रे उमा महेश्वर सम्वादे उच्छिष्ट गणेश कवचं समाप्तम् | शुभमस्तु |
For slokas 1 to 13:
Lord Śiva in conversation with Śakti speaks - Dear Śakti! The Ucchiṣṭa Gaṇapati Kavacaṃ is ranked among the greatest best kept secrets of mantra shastras. Reciting this kavacaṃ or shield, can provide all the siddhis or magical powers, that are sought after. Benefits of the kavacaṃ could manifest, with very little effort and strain of the devotee/sādhaka, who's sincere with his endeavor to recite this kavacaṃ on a regular basis. One can recite the kavacaṃ in desolate or isolated places or jungles/woods/forests, in caves or even warzones, or at the seafront/oceanfront, on the shores of the Ganges, Sindhu or any other rivers, lakes and waterfronts or while sailing/cruising/fishing on water, or under the shade of trees, or at any places of worship such as temples, etc. or at any pilgrimage locations, or at any other designated places for worship, or even simply, at any other place where one has the time to worship with devotion. Worship of Lord Gaṇapati in the form of Ucchiṣṭa Gaṇapati, does not require one to follow rigid rules of purification or worship or even preliminary and post rituals. One does not even need a bath, new clothes or maintain outward cleanliness either. All that is required, is sincere and deep levels of devotion for the Kavacaṃ to be effective.
Hey dear Śakti, the Divine Mother to all devotees! Please listen with devotion! I'm unequivocally asserting, that this Kavacaṃ will destroy poverty once and for all and that too very soon! This is a fact!
Since you are my own reflection and manifested power and that we are not separate from each other and are but one and the same, I hereby forbid you, NOT to reveal this secretive knowledge to any cheats, sinners, murderers, liars, connivers, cruel and evil people, or to those who disobey and cheat their gurus, or to any others who are unworthy of this divine knowledge. Please make a thousand promises to keep this away from such unworthy people to prevent the misuse of this most secretive knowledge. I insist again and again and forbid the revealing of this scripture by anyone, to the unworthy.
I also insist that you spare absolutely no effort, to reveal this scripture with all splendor, to all the sincere devotees and kind hearted people and to those who value their association with their gurus. I also hereby declare, that only such pious people will get full benefits/siddhi of this Kavacaṃ and not those who're unworthy of it! This should only be revealed by a revered guru and through his grace, may the people enjoy the full benefits of this Kavacaṃ, that is apt for this Kali Yuga. May the devotees worship Lord Ucchiṣṭa Gaṇapati in the said manner and if possible, after eating the food previously offered to Lord Gaṇapati as naivedya and recite the Kavacaṃ. The results of this Kavacaṃ are truly amazing and can manifest the desired results in all fields. There's absolutely no limit to its capabilities and manifestations, Oh Divine Goddess Śakti, who's adored and worshipped by all the gods and goddesses, let this be known to one and all!
My words will never fail and I insist again, that this Kavacaṃ is only beneficial to those who've acquired some good karmas previously and are eligible for its recitation. Those who have resolved to be good hereafter may only get the opportunity to know of this Kavacaṃ. May these people get all the benefits, from the recitation of this Supreme knowledge that I'm revealing to you now. This kavacaṃ is filled with mantras capable of manifesting manifold riches and comforts!
For slokas 14 to 57:
Dear Śakti, as mentioned before, this Kavacaṃ will unleash all the siddhis and magical powers that can be obtained by people. Those who recite the Kavacaṃ regularly will obtain riches and gain high positions in society, along with clout and power. The power of speech that is gained very quickly, will help defeat all opponents in a debate or in any political election. Even at the warfront, the enemies will become weak kneed, discouraged and fearful to face the one who has obtained the power/siddhi of this Kavacaṃ. One can recite this Kavacaṃ earlier in the morning, or afternoon, evening or at night sincerely with devotion. One who recites this Kavacaṃ at the night time on a Chaturdhi or the fourth night of the lunar cycle, will very soon gain a lot of fame and prominence, in his line of work. Very soon poverty will vanish forever and one will have abundant wealth in all forms! One will be blessed with a devoted spouse, dutiful children, helpful assistants and friends. There will be peace, happiness all around and one is also endowed with all kinds of powers that could be used for the benefit of others. The protection offered by the Kavacaṃ spans air, water, land, fire, mountains, forests, caves, war zones, burial grounds, water fronts and foreign countries or at any other locations. It offers protection against all natural and manmade calamities. There will be no fear to those who recite the Kavacaṃ with sincerity.
There is no power that can counter the effects and benefits accrued from the recitation of this Kavacaṃ with sincerity. No Yaksha, Yakshini, Rakshas, Rakshasi, ghosts or any other powerful and much feared demi-god entities such as Shakini, Dhakini can undo or counter the protection offered by Śrī Ucchiṣṭa Gaṇapati Kavacaṃ. Such is the power that even the rulers of the countries and locations where this is recited, are also protected by untimely mishaps. Oh Dear one, this Kavacaṃ is equal to the all powerful wish fulfilling divine cow kāmadhenu. Have no doubts of it's effects and benefits. Pray sincerely and enjoy all the fruits and benefits showered by Lord Ucchiṣṭa Gaṇapati!
For slokas 58 to 60:
Dear Pārvatī Devi, This kavacaṃ is the ever fulfilling, most sacred mantra, that ultimately leads to Moksha or complete spiritual emancipation and self-realization. Those who worship Lord Gaṇeṣa's mantras without reciting this kavacaṃ, may not get any benefits from their efforts and are truly ignorant and unfortunate. Even in the subsequent births, they may lead their lives like little mice, without gaining any fruitful material and spiritual benefits, should they ignore reciting this kavacaṃ. May this kavacaṃ of Lord Gaṇeṣa, the beloved son of Lord Śiva and Pārvati, yield all benefits and provide unlimited wealth, health, joy, happiness and self-realization/moksha, to the sincere devotees at the earliest and thereafter, for eternity. May these sincere seekers become one with Lord Gaṇeṣa and become free of all karmas!
Thus ends the Ucchiṣṭa Gaṇeṣa Kavacaṃ, recited by Lord Śiva to his consort Śakti and recorded in the Rudrāyāmalaṃ.
This Kavacam in the following vernacular languages can be downloaded by clicking on the respective language.
Further Readings
Ucchista Ganapati - Navarna Mantra
Ucchista Ganapati Sahasranamam
Ucchista Ganapati Shodasopachara Puja
Sneha Sridhar
October 20, 2017 07:23 PM
Respected Sri GuruJi, Many times I have become frustrated and depressed by the incessant shower of problems in life. I used to feel let down by God and tell myself that I will not pray again. But then I keep going back. I start praying again because I feel empty without God. The love for God cannot be suppressed. Now I realize that one has to endure their share of Karma and there's no escaping it. I don't ask for much, I am happy with what I have but sometimes even during severe problems when our prayers are not answered we feel terrible. I observed this Navrathri vrath and by the end me and my father got severe fever. I felt that The Divine Mother doesn't like me. I thought of that sickness as a bad omen. Not sure if my thinking is wrong. GuruJi, thank you for this post. I have couple of questions regarding UCCHISHTA GANAPATI KAVACHAM. From the explanation given, it seems more like the prelude to the Kavacham. Usually in Kavacham we will pray for protection of our body and mind. Here we can see only the benefits of reading this Kavacham and the importance of reciting with a pure mind. Can you please explain this. Also, if you can point to a source from where we can learn pronunciation of this great mantra, it would be of great help. Thanks a lot GuruJi.
October 20, 2017 08:23 PM
The source for the document is Mantra Maharṇava, which sources the same from rudrāyāmalaṃ. You may also find the same in other gaṇeśa kalpa books as well. A kavacam is truly meant to protect us from harm, which could be directly related to our karma or from uninitiated japa mantras etc. It may not be possible to completely overcome the bad effects of karma entirely, but to some extent, relief can come through recitation of kavacam and further from Sahasranamam and ultimately from Mantra japa and meditation. There is no point in performing any of these tasks, if the mind is not calm and pure. The mind can be made relatively calm through pranayama. Purity in this context, is related to seeking favours from the concerned deity and also one's greed. Initially, this may not be possible, especially if the circumstances are really harsh and some urgent relief is required. We must note that Brahaman and in this particular case, the form of Brahman as Ucchishta Ganapati/ganesha, knows what's best for us and will help to remove the impediments on our way and ultimately lead us to the path of liberation, providing us the opportunity as well as granting us a much clearer mind to study the scriptures and practice the path towards moksha. We will make an effort to post the kavacham and sahasranamam on youtube very soon, to help learn the pronunciation. If you would like to have the kavacham/sahasranamam transliterated into a different language, please let us know. We will make our best effort.
October 21, 2017 01:06 PM
Kavacha rendition in this link
December 04, 2017 02:02 AM
should i touch parts of my body while reciting this kavaca or ganesha stotra? is it ok to recite Lalitha sahasrana in morning and Ganeshia at night? is it ok if I recite kavaca and ucchista ganesha for a relative who's really ill and is in the hospital?
December 04, 2017 10:42 AM
Unless you're an upasaka of Shri Ucchista Ganapati and initiated into any of HIS mantras, there is no need to perform any nyasas or touching the body parts or energy centers. The kavaca can be recited whenever it's convenient. No timing is necessary. But generally, the Ganesha stotras are very effective on the chaturthi (4th lunar day/night of the lunar cycle) and the chaturdashi (14th lunar day/night of the lunar cycle). Between the day and night, the night time is considered better for a tantric deity such as Shri Ucchista Ganesha. Yes, You can recite for your relative who's really ill in the hospital. May Lord Ucchista Ganesha help you and your relative and bless you all! The prayers are most effective, when one genuinely prays for the benefit of others, rather than for our own selves. Also in general, their intensity and power magnifies, when prayed intensely without any wishes or desires..
July 20, 2018 04:55 PM
can we worship shwetark ganpati, haridra ganpati and uchhita ganpati all 3 on daily basis,one is established in murti form and other will be worshipped only through kavach?
July 21, 2018 12:07 AM
Yes you can. There is no harm. You can perform regular puja or recite their stotras or kavachas, if you have them. The mantras for these deities are tantric in nature and the due process of initiation, is strongly suggested.
Vineet Gupta
August 09, 2018 09:50 AM
Krishna ji, verse 51 says UG Kavacham should be recited with some mantra. इदं तु कवचं देवि पठनात्सर्व सिद्धिदं | उच्छिष्ट गणनाथस्य समंत्रं कवचं परम् || 51. Is there any specific mantra for this purpose? Please clarify. Vineet Gupta
August 09, 2018 11:23 AM
The kavacam itself is a mantra and has no pre-requisites. However, one can proceed with chanting any of the mantras related to Śrī Ucchiṣṭa Gaṇapati after getting an initiation to the mantras.
August 29, 2018 08:03 PM
Sir can we recite kamkala kali trilokya mohan kavach or uchhist ganpati kavach without diksha ? Its safe or not ?
August 30, 2018 01:09 AM
No initiation necessary for this kavacam. Any trailokya kavacam to my knowledge, requires initiation to an appropriate mantra japa prior to recitation of the kavacam.
September 23, 2024 03:09 PM
Sir, if Ucchista Ganapati Kavacham doesn't need a dhiksa, why I so hard to spell the kavacam? Like there is no power in the kavacham. It's different with Dakshina Kali Kavacam, first I read, I got the 'fire' and very easy to read the kavacam.
September 24, 2024 06:09 AM
It is best to stay with the kavacam that is initiated tp you. The initiated mantras are capable of producing the best results.
September 10, 2019 07:14 PM
Respected Guruji Any Uchista Ganesa mantras pronunciation posted in Youtube, Kindly inform
September 10, 2019 11:58 PM
September 11, 2019 01:05 AM
Pronunciation is authentic. This is a higher level mantra that can be taken up by śrī vidya devotees. The 19 lettered mantra and lower are more suitable for beginners. This kavacam is best and requires no initiation. The youtube link you posted earlier, is the best rendition for the kavacam available online.
December 15, 2020 01:41 AM
Good Morning, I would like to make sure that some words in this Kavacham is correct. 38 Stance, 2nd line (First Word) क्षेत्रप्रवसितः . 41 stance, First line (First word) परिभद्रगणेशश्च . 49 Stance, Second Line (First word) बिल्वस्थं . Could you please check. If it's correct then please update.
November 12, 2023 12:11 AM
How many times one has to recite this Kavacham? Does this Kavacham and Sahasranaam require initiation?